on my laptop case mainly the top half there are quite a few deep scratches (god knows how they got there) i was wondering if there was a cheap solution to getting rid of them or whatever.. ( i can see the black from under the silver on some.)
I had a hole in the top of my laptop
I mixed a bit of 2 part epoxy with a little bit of black pen ink.
Just mask of the area so only the scratches are open
worked great for me.
John. -
Ok, that made no sense at all to me
lol sorry only 15. i'll ask my dad about that. -
epoxy resin is a very good choice here, it's easy to shape, uber durable, and not very toxic unlike bondo. but a better thing to do would be repainting the laptop, it would get rid of ANY marks. (providing U don't make new ones while painting)
Iceman0124 More news from nowhere
How deep are they? Pics would help, most scratches arent deep enough to be filled in.
Even filling a scratch wont get rid of it, you can fill it with whatever you want, bondo, epoxy, peanut butter, but it still wont be the same color as the rest of your laptop. If you REALLY want to get rid of deep scratches then you basically have to repaint your laptop. I personally suggest to use Bondo, its strong and easy to work with, just don't apply to much of it cause it cures VERY hard and will be hard to sand smooth if you get to much on there, and if you let it sit for a few days then it will also be much harder to sand out versus sanding a few minutes after applying it(time for it to harden depends on how much activator(catalyst) you put in it).
Bondo is good, I would prefer Spot Putty in a tube (automotive product) Much easier to use then Bondo. Then use 1500 wet/dry sandpaper (wet) and paint.
Most of these question in this Cosmetic Forum would be better answered at your local auto body shop. They do this kind of work for a living. Show them your problem and seek their advice. For plastic skins go to your local sign shop; that is their area of expertise. It really is an art laying down quality paint. In fact I prefer plastic It is much easier to use and the finish holds up better than paint. See my posting on Cosmetically Impaired Laptops this Forum.
Afterburner -
You can always replace that part of the case that has scratches on it. Try looking online for that part of the case and see how much it can be. Depending which area it is, it shouldn't be too hard to replace.
What color is your laptop? For scratches, the best household item to use would be toothpaste..its a quick way of dealing with scratches, even on CDs..just take a little on your finger and rub it along the scratch. Wipe the excess paste off with a soft cloth.
How to get rid of deep scratches
Discussion in 'Notebook Cosmetic Modifications and Custom Builds' started by wackydude1234, Apr 30, 2008.