It's been going on in my head since I bought the laptop.
The laptop sure does look nice n pretty and all but it also invites too much dust not to mention fingerprints.
I always to custom paint my laptop but now I dont know how to go about painting this laptop with the imprint finish on.
IF anyone could please provide me a link to a source or someone's project or shed some light on this matter, it would mean alot to me.
also please suggest your favorite brand of paint for the job.
I'll be looking forward to some real good suggestions from you all..
I am not good at this kind of thing so ask others before you take my word
you have to take all parts out, and something about sanding it? idk -
yeah well i am just gona have to wait until someone can tell me whats the deal with this imprint thing..
the imprint is just a paint job... say you get a red dell. it has red paint. the imprint is just a paint job - just paint not an actual imprint
hey it looks like a coat of transparent plastic film !
Sir Travis, stop giving out false info again.
The imprint finish is not just a paintjob. It's literally imprinted into the plastic, and thus will have a longer lifetime. If you want to paint it, it would be recommended to use car paint. That should have the best look and last. -
are you suggesting to paint over the imprint finish? or do you think it would be possible to remove it? (though i dont see a way) -
You could try and sand down the imprint. Depending on how textured it is, you might want to try several different grits and see which works best at creating a smooth finish before you begin applying plastic primer. Good luck on your spray painting and do post pics of your masterpiece when its done!
I believe HP imprints are laser etched
I actually saw a review of the HP 15.4 inch and loved its color scheme, many of you could recall from this link
I wish I could achieve this atleast.. -
Here's a preview of the notebook's color scheme from the above link:
Search the HP part number for the top screen of that model and just replace it yourself.
If you want a professional looking job that you get to choose ANY color you want check out these guys. They'll paint anything including Playstation 3 and ThinkPads. -
Thats a neat website but I wonder if they'd do the HP.
not at all hard to paint the hp.. it simply just needs to be prepped right.. start with some 600 grit paper and cover all areas to be sanded being careful around the sharper corners and edges...
once this is done what i use on these types of plastics (i.i. super glossy) after being sanded is a product called "poly fill" this is a sprayable primer that is known a "high build" primer. this also is poly based and it has give to it so it doesnt crack easy..
dont use to much as it goes on thick if you do..
once dry now start to smooth out the primered surface. sanding almost back through the poly-fill.. but not all the way.
now spray with what you want to..
i own a car audio shop and we paint interiors all the time after doing custom and fiberglass work.. we do this tyoe of plastic on lots of cars that have similar glossy finishes..
lmk if you have a question..
there are also products by a company called sem that can be sprayed directly over the glossy surface with a simple scuffing from a scotch brite pad or similar.. make sure to use a good cleaner before hand.. once sem vinyl paint has been applied use a sem clear coat over it to make it shine.. this is hands down the best plastic / vinyl paint out there
some of the colors: Cards/CC CC.pdf -
I would really just look into ordering the top lid like someone suggested.
i believe that the paint job of the radiance is actually under the plastic so i guess that doing the pattern and then several layers of clear coat would be the same result.
colorwarepc is not really worth it imo. 500 for a laptop? just do it yourself and learn
How do I paint an HP laptop with the "Radiance" imprint finish?
Discussion in 'Notebook Cosmetic Modifications and Custom Builds' started by blue-lynx, Apr 12, 2008.