I realize that this has been addressed more than once but I finally solved it - at least for myself - earlier today. Some of you already do this but I have tried other things and this was certainly the only really sucessfull solution.
I went down to the local place where you can buy and do all kinds of things including get your eyes examined. I asked them for a lense cleaning cloth and they pointed me to a shelf. I did not get the pre-moistened towellettes ( I have already tried that and now I have a useless box of wipes, oh well, time to do some windows). I purchased a $3.00 microfiber lens cleaning cloth.
It works wonderfull. You don't even really need any moisture unless you have spots of stuff on the screen. It picked up the dust without leaving more behind and looks almost like the day I bought it.
I am fairly convinced that this is probably what they use before they box them up at the factory.
Once again - I hate to be redundant and thanks to all the folks who suggested something like this, I should have tried it a while back - but this sucess deserved it's own post.
Throw down you buffing rags and old t-shirts. If you want your screen clean then for my money this is the type of thing to get.
Nice info. I use those notebook cleaning wipes. And then glasses cloth afterwards.
Cheers, -
Do you have a glossy screen? I have a matte screen and it seems like those microfiber cloths really don't cut it for me...
No, I have a glossy. Those things are just really tough to clean.
I had never tried the microfiber on a matte because it just wasn't nessasary, my matte screen that I had before was easy to clean. -
matte screens are very hard to clean. I havn't found a good solution yet. I have tried microfiber cloths and they don't really do the trick. What do others out there use to clean there matte screens?
I always just used glass cleaner or water with an old shirt or soft paper towel.
For matte, I think the pre-moistened wipes do really good.
For glossy, I've realize that the wipes are horrible. They leave streak marks that are move visible than on the matte. -
uts electric belt sander down::: Wait - what's wrong witht he way I've been doing it?
Ha Ha.. yeah, that gives you the textured look...
HMLintz how many screens per month do you buy?
Well I have had my LCD for 6 months, never cleaned it, but it's finally time to do it right...
Regards, VidKo -
I bought a nushield for my Thinkpad T43, and I chose to buy the screen whipes from their site that they recommend so I could clean it before putting on the shield. Well since then I've taken off the screen protector. But, the whipes worked great. The trick is to use the whipes, the immediately use the microfiber cloth before the alcohol evaporates.
Now I'm not sure if just a normal alcohol cleaning whipe would damage the screen, because the whipes from this site were expensive. But they came with a cloth too, so wasn't that bad. -
That's the best solution I've seen so far. It includes one of those micro fiber cloths you bought. The link tells you the recommended make up of the cloth, so you can be sure you buy the right one(there's lots of blends for micro fiber...some are less abrassive than others).
I paid about $12 for my total set from Target because I spent $9 on a 12 pack of the micro fiber towels(I needed a few for my car as well, for washing). Then the $1.00 spray bottle and a bottle of Isopropyl for about $1.50. I've barely made a dent in the 12oz I started with, in the last two months. This will last me for about two years probably...then I'll spend another $1.50 on more alcohol I guess. Much cheaper than the wipes and leaves less streaks, too. -
I wonder if this alcohol prewipes would work. They're 70% isoproyl alcohol. The only thing I'm worried about is whether the whipes would scatch the screen.
No, they do not work. At least that is what I have found. They made just as big of a mess as they cleaned up.
Well the whipes from kleenscreen leave a mess, unless you follow the directs and after using the whipe you buff it with the micro-chamois
I found that PixelClean works good for high-gloss screens.
www.pixelclean.com -
mysticmaid makes an awesome microfiber cloth =)
i have a microfiber cloth, an oakley glasses bag (microfiber) and they work allright, though eyeglass solution does cause streaking. I also have an ultrasuede keyboard cover from www.tombihn.com which is great for putting on the palmrest while gaming so as to avoid any stains and what not. But it also does a pretty good job cleaning the screen.
I also use a microfiber cloth on my i6000 matte screen and it does the job just fine. If there are ever spots on it I just use water and a soft cloth. The best thing you can do for your screen, or any screen whether a TV or an external moniter is to not touch it and not let anyone touch it. Then the only thing you have to worry about getting off is dust!
yeah,ihave a glossy screen and found that microfiber works best,i do use a 50 50 solution of alchahol and water and get the most awsome results,almost brand new looking screen .pretty much used the same set up for my standard lcd screen laptop ,but with sub par results.
the cleaning fabric at Ratzpads (a poly sueded microfiber) is a great fabric for cleaning any surfaces... dont get the OmniCleanz tho... not doing such a great job.
i got a streak free, anti-glare glasses cleaning solution from my glasses store and they work quite nicely. -
Memorex PC Quick wipes. Bought it at compusa for like $5. it comes with 50 wipes, but i've only used about 20 over the past two years. Works extremely well on my matted LCD screen. I haven't tested it yet on the glossy screen yet. It's slightly moist, but doesn't leave any kind of residue or mark at all.
You can wipe the rest of your laptop after. It dries up if you leave it open, but you can add like 3 drops of water to it(it soaks it up real fast), and use it. -
Fellows Screen Cleaning Wipes have left both my glossy lappy screen and desktop lcd streaked to all hell.
There are also wet versions of the Surface Guardian now but I have the dry version.
A quick google search found these:
I'm actually surprised to hear that microfiber cloths don't do a very good job on matte screens. -
I also have a matte screen and keep it clean with a microfiber cloth. I am very satisfied with the results.
You can get microfiber cloths at Target even. I use some for drying the windows on my car when I was them, no streaks there. They also work well for the notebook... I guess...
I highly recommend PEC*PADs and some glass cleaner. They're inexpensive, lint-free, scratch-free, disposable wipes we use to clean our films with. Works perfectly on both glossy and matte screens.
I would never use a microfiber cloth to clean my film or prints (maybe only if they're new). -
nquach, do you use glass cleaner on your films?
I wouldn't recommend glass cleaner on film surfaces unless you want to ruin the emulsion. LCD screens I imagine, can take "regular" glass cleaner just fine.
Microfiber is good to dust off screens. The thing you want to avoid is rubbing on the screen trying to remove something stubborn. Why not apply a wet solution and gently wipe it clean? The main reason I like PEC*PAD is because they're disposable. At ~$8 per 100 count, they last quite a while.
They're available in most photographic stores. -
moon angel Notebook Virtuoso NBR Reviewer
Mr Muscle window cleanerand some kitchen towel. Works on every screen I ever had, CRT, TFT, Laptop...
what if you have spots of stuff on your screen? i do and i dont know what the heck it is
I got this stuff that NBR checked out, and its works great on glossy & matte lcds
microfiber for my glossy screen and CARE screen cleaning tissues http://www.ixoscable.com for my matt screen
I was told, "used anti static dryer sheets" a light wipe-down with these keep the electrostatic attraction at bay. I use microfiber also and works for all screens
they rule
The 50/50% iso-alcohol & distilled water sounds like a good solution for many things, gotta make-up a spritz bottle for my household, thanks guy's -
The Swiffer dusters work great, too. Dust your computer and tv screens first then everything else. No scratches, no pressure on the screen, and it's quick.
I find that the wipe n' clear wipes work really well for wiping down my screen as well as the keyboard area. I keep a bunch of them in my laptop bag.
I clean my desktop mate 19'' lcd screen and my 15.4'' glossy screen with a microfiber tissue and it works perfectly on both.
Notebook review checked it out as well: http://www.notebookreview.com/default.asp?newsID=2871 -
How I got my notebook screen clean once and for all
Discussion in 'Notebook Cosmetic Modifications and Custom Builds' started by Bamboo One, Feb 26, 2006.