I have a dell inspiron 9400 with the original silver color case. After 6 months of using it i found a black spot (looks like brown color dirt probably formed from my palm's sweat) stuck on the surface... ive tried to clean it but couldnt get it done..
Can any1 share ideas on how to clean it pls?
Thnx so much.
Can you post a picture or describe the "black spot" in more detail? Is it a scratch in the plastic?
well it's not a scratch it's kinda like dark browny color dirt formed from ur palm's sweat...
Sure thing... Any orange-type cleaner, like orange magic, or any orange solvent found in the home cleaner dept. of any supermarket. Orange acid cuts grease, and not your laptop.
LOL ewww, wash your hands before touching your machine to start...
I have the same problem, and i always wash my hands b4 using my laptop. I think its more to do with the hard drives location in your notebook. The 'stain' could be due to the heat given off and additionally by the pressure of you palm on that spot. I've tried cleaning it and cannot remove this spot. Another reason I believe that his is not grease is that it is only on one side of the touchpad...the other side (which doesnt contain the HD, is spot free). Just speculation though...
Hey washing your hands only helps so much, until you are typing for hours, and your hands become sweaty from the warm laptop..
Help! how to clean "black spot"
Discussion in 'Notebook Cosmetic Modifications and Custom Builds' started by alquiora, Jan 29, 2007.