for those of you who know what the compaq logo looks like on the lid, how would i cover that up?
heres a pic
but its not a sticker or anything. its actually "below" the lid. i dont want to use some kind of plaster to cover that up and sand it and ****.
im planning on covering my lid with carbon fiber vinyl, but dont want an air bubble where the logo was, but dont want to ruin the lid by "filling" it with some plaster. any other ideas?
Actually plaster sounds good. Will cover it and you can smooth it and it should come off later with no ill effects.
if you are worried plaster might hurt the logo then just cover it with masking tape first
You may try the same thing with wood putty or maybe use mud & tape.
there are a half dozen other things that would probably work well
Good Luck -
interesting, but what if i were just to put tape over it, like real tight! would that be noticeable? or what if i just show the logo? not sure if it will look nice though
Well, I think you've already covered the options.
Fill it with bondo, sand it down and paint...
OR, find a nice looking sticker. If you use a good sticker you won't even be able to tell the hole is there.
I guess one final option is to tape it off everything and paint the logo. It doesn't get rid of the logo, but it makes it alot less noticeable. -
well to bring this thread back to life i just overlapped it with the vinyl. but it is noticeable. is there some kind of putty that doesn't permanently stick on the logo, but will cover it up pretty good? because the only reason why i decided to go with vinyl is because if something goes wrong with the notebook and i have to send it back to hp i can peel it right off and send it to them. applying putty and sanding it down is probably not the best option for me, especially when something goes wrong with the notebook. so is there? i tried tape but that does not work. the depth of the logo is lower than the lid itself. like the thickness of a 25 cent quarter.
Me personally I would try using regular melted candle wax, and pour it in trim it off nice and smooth with a popcycle stick, and small a sticker over it.
When it comes time you dont want to use the sticker anymore, scrape out what you can, gently using somethign made of wood. Then use a blow dryer and a few Q-Tips to remove anything left over. -
damn that is a good idea. so if i have to return it to hp for some reason i could just take it off. nice thanks!
just find an appropriate sticker, representing something you enjoy.....all the other suggestions will definately fall apart due to wear, tear and heat
um vinyl is a sticker, but you can still notice the "hole of the logo" under it, thats what im saying
If that doesn't work, wax sounds like a reasonable, non-permanent alternative. I don't think it'll melt under the heat of the laptop since melting point is around 145 degrees. Go slow, scrape the excess with a debit/hard card and make sure it's perfectly smooth.
Going to apply a vinyl over lid, how to "cover up COMPAQ logo"
Discussion in 'Notebook Cosmetic Modifications and Custom Builds' started by TwiztOG43, Apr 29, 2007.