So i just started to take off the stickers that came on the laptop (the windows vista one/energy star/intel stickers). Anyway the residue that was left behind was very hard to take off, i just tried rubbing it off at the start but that didnt work so well, so i tried some nailpolish remover which kind of helped because of the acetone, but there is still some stickiness where the sticker was, what should i use to completely remove that? Also there is an outline of where the sticker was, kind of hard to see but it is there, how do i remove that?
ALLurGroceries Vegan Vermin Super Moderator
The stickyness may not be actual sticker residue after nail polish remover, it may have melted the plastic surface a bit. You can try to buff it out with a cloth or a gum eraser. The oily residue from stickers should disappear even on rubberized surfaces after a few days, or just keep rubbing it with your finger if you want it gone sooner.
I just scratched at the stickers and adhesive with my fingernails until it was completely gone. This wasn't very efficient, but it did work perfectly.
Good luck! -
Rubbing alcohol, higher percentage is better. Most of the stuff you'll find at the general store is 70%, but if you can find 90%, that's the best.
Acetone is too strong. It can take off the paint. Stop using it now.
Try rubbing alcohol. -
alright ill try to get some rubbing alcohol, didn't know acetone was that strong, some people said it worked for them in very small amounts, which i used.
Luckily it didn't damage toshiba's fusion finish. -
GooGone works well for this sort of thing, I would try it on a small inconspicuous area first to make sure it won't harm the finish, then use a bit as per the directions, usually works very well.
-Bryce -
I just rub with my thumb, that way im sure im not damaging anything even if it a bit more tedious.
QueenOfSpades Notebook Consultant
Definitely Goo Gone. It's the best thing in the world for removing adhesive residue.
Goo Gone. If you don't have any of that or are on a limited budget, then you could try using a small amount of cooking oil. I've never done that myself, but a friend of mine did and it got the residue from stickers right off.
baby wipes!! sounds nuts, but the oils lift the sticky right off!
they also work a treat for removing grime from keyboards, etc...
as with the others, unless your usunf a steel laptop, keep the nail varnish remover well away!!! -
Goo Gone or Arctic Cleaner (made for cleaning the thermal paste from cpu's). Citric juices (like orange juice) might even work (Goo Gone & Arctic Cleaner both have a citrusy smell).
I used to work at a place that sold used electronics. I will say that rubbing alcohol is definitely your best bet. Not only will it effectively remove all the residue, but it evaporates quickly and has less of a chance of potentially damaging your machine.
Used it to remove all stickers >>
Step 1 - removed stickers using my fingernail (careful not to break them)
Step 2 - poured GOO GONE into a microfiber cloth and started working on a circular motion/also side to side to remove left over glue
Step 3 - poured GOO GONE into another microfiber cloth and finished doing the details
That's it nothing left/no marks/no chemical action -
Try using scotch tape. It always works for me.
1. Remove the sticker as much as you can.
2. Tap it with scotch tape - The sticky sticker residue will transfer to scotch tape
3. Repeat step 2 with faster movement until the sticker residue is gone. -
do not use duct tape or it can peel off the paint in some cases...
then rub gently with either alcohol, gasoline or lighter fluid.
any of these works.
use a nice soft material... you'll notice that even toilet paper, yes the ones we wipe our sensitive arse, can scratch a clearcoated surface. -
To this day, ArctiClean from Arctic Cooling is the best thing I've found for removing adhesives stuck to surfaces. It's expensive considering the amount you get, but when nothing else works, I break it out.
+1 for rubbing alcohol. Took off all stickers with it
lighter fluid has always worked best for me and im not just crazy, on the back of most lighter fluid bottles it says that it works for removing stickers
100% Isopropyl alchol is the way to go. It's perfeclty safe to use on electronics and evaporates quickly.
I have always had great success with a SMALL amount of Surgical spirit onto a tissue or kitchen towel type of thing, then rubbing carefully. Works very well indeed.
However, I am sure it depends on the colour and type of finish of the plastic, in my case I have mainly had silver plastic to work with, I have heard that if it is a matt type of black finish, using alcohol could leave it a bit faded looking. -
I've found pencil eraser works well to get tape/glue/sticker stuff off.
hiddensanctum Notebook Evangelist
I will third the Goo Gone recommendation. That stuff works miracles!
It's used in the medical profession to remove surgical adhesives from people's skin. As a result, I can't see it hurting the finish of the laptop. (People I know have used it instead of GooGone because of its strength and its 'gentleness'.)
I think you can get it at your local pharmacy, but it's not something that's stocked on their shelves, you have to go to the counter and ask for it specifically.
(Mastisol is the adhesive, and Detachol is the adhesive remover) -
WD-40 works as well. Spray just a tiny bit on a paper towel and rub off the goop. Then use alcohol to remove the oily residue if any remains.
99% isopropyl alcohol. I's great at removing all types of grease, grime, thermal paste, and residue.
Getting off sticker residue
Discussion in 'Notebook Cosmetic Modifications and Custom Builds' started by shinakuma9, Feb 15, 2010.