Hello there,
does anyone know any guide on how to disassebmle the FW? in particular I'm looking for some pics on how to remove the wrist-pad cover as I intend to cover it with few layers of clear lacquer to prevent it being scratched so easily by the mouse etc.
any help will be greatly appreciated!
You may have to hunt around on the internet for the service manual (not to be confused with the user manual, which is useless).
i know i respond quite late, but here it is anyway.
on the fw official thread, page 119 and 120 someone posted pictures of a taken apart fw. check it out anf maybe contact that member for further info...
hope i helped a bit
Disassembling VAIO FW21z
Discussion in 'Notebook Cosmetic Modifications and Custom Builds' started by Cegla010, Apr 2, 2009.