I have a Dell Studio 1535 that I would like to paint, Just the cover for the LCD, It came in Jet Black and I would prefer a blue, Is it possible? As it feels like a rubbery type of plastic,
Thanks in advanced
Also, How do I go about dissembling the LCD?
you are aware that this WILL void your warranty, right?
Yes, It has no warrenty as it was a replacement laptop for another one that dell sold to me 2 years ago
in that case...
i recall seeing a display model of the Studio at Staples and it has had a lot of wear and tear... the rubber paint peeled to show a black plastic base...
i'm sure some supply of sandpaper and elbow grease would take the rubber paint off in a jiffy... -
Ok, I have already painted it glossy Navy, It looks sharp tbh, I do not think I am going to put a clear coat on for the reason that it is not ment for glossy paints
Hi, Sorry for the late reply, I have finished the paint job but am considering painting the "Media Buttons" center, it is currenty black and I want to try silver, Does anyone know how to remove the touch media buttons?
Will post pictures soon -
Turn the laptop off, and remove the battery. Inside the battery bay there are two screws labeled "K". Remove both of these, open the laptop lid up to 90 degrees or more, and simply pop the media panel off, from the back. Expect some resistance. Once you have it dislodged, it's connected by one white ribbon cable. Flip up the black latch on the underside of the panel and remove the cable.
Yes I know this as I have fully disasembled and rebuilt it many times, But want I want is to remove the buttons themselves, Is there anyway to do so? -
You mean the parts that actually read touches? Those are underneath the panel, under the strip of black tape...I wouldn't recommend removing that, though; you'll probably never be able to put it back together properly. Get on the chat with Dell tech support, and tell them that you're having issues with your touch sensitive eject button or something, and ask them to ship you a replacement panel. That way you'll have a spare to experiment with, so at least you have another panel to fall back on if something goes horribly wrong.
My laptop is currently out of warrenty so they will not ship me a media panel. At least not for free. -
In that case, you can buy one online from a parts retailer...
Here's a grade B model (refurbished) for under $20, perfect for experimenting with.
http://www.parts-people.com/index.php?action=item&id=5379 -
Hello ShelbyGT550,
I came across this thread, I want to paint my Dell 1737 lcd cover and I want to look how it would look like., Could you post some pictures?
could you tell me how was the process?
Dell Studio 1535 LCD Cover Paint?
Discussion in 'Notebook Cosmetic Modifications and Custom Builds' started by ShelbyGT550, May 23, 2009.