Dell Precision M6600 water cooling
Hello, I decided to create water cooling laptop project. The notebook that I will use is Dell Precision M6600. I am a plan built the whole system inside a notebook, it should be possible. My project must end in February 2019.
The first design in Autocad in 2016.
Water pump
The biggest problem is the size of a water pump. I found only two options which should fit into chassis and off course it is possible to buy it. The second specification is a voltage of this pump it must be on 5V or 12V.
The first pump has got only 25mm in diameter. It is power by USB with 5V and it has got 150L/H (2,5L per minute). This pump is very quiet, only some vibrations.
Water blocks
In the second part are water cooling blocks. I found only one type of blocks for my test. Both blocks are from aluminium. First is for cooling CPU and second (blue) is for cooling hot water. They cannot fit into the notebook but I can create my own cooling block.
Name: Aluminum Water Cooling Cooler Heatsink Block 40x40x12mm For CPU
Name: 80x40x12mm CPU Graphics Card Hard Disk Water Cooling Waterblock Heatsink Block
Last edited: Jun 30, 2018 -
Hello fellow crazy laptop watercooling modder!
Here are copper versions of that style of block:
PC CPU GPU Northbridge Waterblock Pure Copper Universal For Intel -
I looked at a full internal system in a larger laptop (that had a couple of large internal cavities from ODD and two stacked 2.5" bays) and came to the conclusion that these were the obstacles:
Finding a pump (and res) that would fit (and still be quiet. Small pumps such as the alphacool dc-lt tend to be noisy)
Finding blocks that could fit and have some kind of mounting mechanism. I found some blocks with universal mounting mechanisms that looked like they could work but how much pressure they would exert was questionable. (flat rectangle pieces of metal with a channel drilled out of the middle and long screws). Some of the blocks described as 'Northbridge cooling blocks' looked smaller than those 40x40 ones. Ideally you'd want something with microfins or microchannels, but you may have to fab something yourself (you might find high quality blocks from GTX 680s etc are very cheap or even given away on overclocking forums). Most blocks looked like vertical G1/4 thread though and then the height they would involve added another problem
Radiator fins! My aims were to improve cooling and overclocking before noise, and without more radiators I was unsure if this would be the case. Its also important to keep loop temperature down as that starts to impact reliability (pump and leaks) and rads and airflow are how the heat is removed.
I ended up going the hybrid route, soldering 6mm copper tube to existing heatsinks, using quick disconnects to retain portability, that meant I could use a quality swiftech pump and 360mm rad and a large res to allow quick bleeding (as the qdcs let a tiny bit of air in during connect /disconnect so I kept them outside the laptop case so internal leaks didn't happen) and mount the setup a fair way away from me. All while learning the soldering and other skills sometimes the hard way so mine was an evolution rather than planned from the start. -
2. Thank you for an idea to use old water block from GPU. I have old cooler from aluminium or copper, I will modify them to create my own block with bigger channels and I will create 3D model of water block with microchannels, after few tests. Today I will create a mount for CPU block and run IBT with speedfan.
3. Now I am testing only CPU cooling, I must test blue block that will be cooled with water. Of corse, I would not like to modify chassis.
Last option is the same as another people, but this is not the best looking solution. Maybe I will fail a it will be the last option.Last edited: Jul 1, 2018 -
Mastermind5200 Notebook Virtuoso
Would this be a hybrid solution or a full on water cooling solution? This sounds frankly very interesting. As well, you might want to try modifying the laptops body in a way to add extra height to the internal Optical Drive bay
Mastermind5200 and bennyg like this.
There is my first test and results. Stress test run for 45 minutes. Water temperature was around 39 degrees. Tomorow I will use for cooling liquid the blue block insert to water, maybe cool with fan.
Running stress test
Iddle after stress testAttached Files:
Project is going well
. Max CPU temperature was 72 degrees, but second core was around 6 degrees cooler. It can be some mounting problem.
Grinding paint on water block
Stress test with cooled water block for 1 hour
Cooldown for 1,5 hour
CPU and GPU stress test for 1 hour
bennyg and Mastermind5200 like this. -
Mastermind5200 Notebook Virtuoso
Are the pics on the right the CPU waterblock or the external radiator? I can't see much on my phone
Really wish that M18x water cooling solution reached a consumer product, would give us at least designs to duplicate into other laptops.
Rei Fukai, bennyg and Mastermind5200 like this. -
Mastermind5200 Notebook Virtuoso
@Hellsik your pics seems to be broken, if trying to view via phone.
But otherwise great job!It's sad that watercooled notebooks are still a niche nowadays and mostly self-modded.
I own a watercooled Lappy too which a friend of mine modded and entrusted it to my hands afterwards.
I replaced the CPU with a 3920xm ES, will post some benches soon.
Gesendet von meinem ONEPLUS A5010 mit TapatalkCLASSIF1ED, Dennismungai, triturbo and 5 others like this. -
Looks really clean, Your friend CNC it ?
Gesendet von meinem ONEPLUS A5010 mit TapatalkMastermind5200 likes this. -
Mastermind5200 likes this. -
Mastermind5200 Notebook Virtuoso
any updates?
It's one fan and a cooling radiator. And yes on idle I have about 10° and under full blast it's about 15-20°.
As soon as I receive the new water pump, I will post some benches.
Gesendet von meinem ONEPLUS A5010 mit TapatalkMastermind5200 likes this. -
New test with cooling only GPU 6970m from iMac with dell bios. It was only tested without mounting water block.
After a minute I must add a fan to cooling GPU RAM.
Water temperature in stress test was 43 degrees after cooling down It was 36 degrees.15 minutes later water temperature is 30 degrees (GPU 39).
First test GPU core 715MHz
Second test GPU core: 680Mhz
Second test GPU core: 680Mhz with pressure on water block
Iddle after test with 3 min cooling
Attached Files:
Mastermind5200 Notebook Virtuoso
That seems pretty impressive tbh
715mhz is your best OC? Or just a slapstick run?
I seem to remember running 800mhz when I had that machine.
Very nice though -
Mastermind5200 Notebook Virtuoso
But I'm just impressed it works! If I had the resources and know how, my Ranger would already have this! -
I had the same system with the same GPU, and distinctly remember having an 800Mhz core clock. You couldnt overclock too much more mostly because you had to hard mod for additional voltage of which I think the mod is here or on T|I.
Its a nice laptop, can install the m6100, 7970m, or the m290x 4GB. Still quite viable for such a inexpensive machine. Also one of the best keyboards I had ever used. -
Mastermind5200 Notebook Virtuoso
Yeah, I'm just impressed at those temps more than the OC itself
It is! Honestly, its such a cheap gaming laptop or workstation I absolutely love it
Cheapest I could find that was viable for gaming
Honestly might go for it if I wasn't short on cashLast edited: Jul 17, 2018Rengsey R. H. Jr. likes this. -
Rengsey R. H. Jr. likes this. -
Ah then maybe it was 900Mhz, its been some time since I was on that laptop.
Rengsey R. H. Jr. likes this. -
Gesendet von meinem ONEPLUS A5010 mit Tapatalk -
Have you looked at a Micro Ambulatory Pump or Circulatory Assist Pump?
The Circulatory Assist micro-pump is the size of a AA battery with an outer body diameter of 14 mm, length of 49 mm, weight of 25 grams and pumps up to 3 liters of blood per minute.
This has to last, the patient is depending on it, no room for failure here.
CaerCadarn likes this. -
It's more like this one:
Gesendet von meinem ONEPLUS A5010 mit TapatalkRengsey R. H. Jr. likes this. -
1) Is 1L PM vs 3L PM (Higher is better).
2) Is lower pressure (Higher is better).
So what you have here is a lower fluid volume Per Minuit, lower pressure and a bulkier pump.....Ur goin backwards on the design and specs, I do like the variable aspect of this pump, it can be wired in parallel with the fans to provide an On Demand Cooling, and power savings. data sheets/data sheet hp416s r1.pdf
You can go really small, but the flow volume is only .2ML or .45ML PM.
Not sure how long this would last.
I'm calculating this: Business notebook, on time 14 hrs per day, 7 days per week, 52 weeks per year, 5 year live span = 25,480 hr (3 Year POH) life span without failure.
Ambulatory pump is 10 year POH count.Last edited: Oct 1, 2018Rengsey R. H. Jr., bennyg and CaerCadarn like this. -
Rengsey R. H. Jr. I Never Slept
How about this All in one Cooler ? I have this sitting in my closet for ages.
Mastermind5200 Notebook Virtuoso
Rengsey R. H. Jr. likes this. -
triturbo and Mastermind5200 like this.
triturbo and Rengsey R. H. Jr. like this.
Rengsey R. H. Jr. I Never Slept
I have another old set that I found , I can uploaded it later tonight so you guys can get a kick out of it. It’s a 3.5” all in one water cooler too. Also it’s new and unused.
keep up the good work !!! love reading about your adventure !!
i was thinking of water cooling my HP omen but i cant oc anything on it so no real point
its locked hardware
New update from test. It looks good. Temperature GPU in 30 min FureTest was only 69 degrees. Water temperature was little bit higher 45 degrees. I must use 2 cooling fan. First on cooling water second on cooling GPU RAM. Whole project must be completed at end of March. Here is some pictures.
After few second of test.
After 30 minutes
bennyg likes this. -
This Ambulatory micro pump: were the heck can one get this? Following the manufacturer of this pump it is not for public release/buying. I even searched all known marketplaces but to no avail. So if you have a clue were to obtain one I would get my aquabook running again and open a dedicated thread for it.bennyg likes this. -
Dialup David Notebook Consultant
Couple critiques as someone who was once doing a similar project. Your tubing is WAY too big. You're going to have to sacrifice the flow rate with smaller tubing. I would use those waterblocks for both contacting the CPU/GPU as well as being mount points for a 1mm heatpipe that gets soldered to a bonded fin assembly so the fans can cool off the loop.CaerCadarn and bennyg like this. -
I'm wondering for my next project if the stock fans and rads could be kept in place and copper tube be soldered in place of existing heatpipes. Though it'd have to be squashed pretty flat to fit where 3mm high heatpipes once did -
but routing the pipes back inside my laptops. I'm still practicing 3d printing, but i would like to connect the loop to the existing heatsink fins, so it can cool the water before it loops over the dies.
This could also work, and with this i can create a loop from the picture above, with combination with this, this can become a closed loop Files:
Last edited: Feb 19, 2019 -
Next week I will start create aluminium block and reservoir. I had 3 differend types of water pump, but one after while engine swim in water
. I also have diaphragm pump, but it has only +-300ml/min also it is realy noisy. Last pump is aquarium pump. I have one on 6V and second on 12V. Also i will mesure temperatures on water blocks and radiators. In first i must mesure temperature on original heatsink, but I have problem with bend heatpipe on GPU heatsink. Last few weeks I compare 2920xm, 2860qm and 2760qm and I am not able to set longer time in turbo boost PL2 is between 8-20s. After that processor will clock down to 45W TDP from 56W TDP (package power). Now I do not why 2760qm and 2860qm has difrence in stress test around 10 degrees. Maybe I will repaste 2860qm and test it again. See you next week
Kyle likes this. -
Rei Fukai likes this.
Dell Precision M6600 Water Cooling - project
Discussion in 'Notebook Cosmetic Modifications and Custom Builds' started by Hellsik, Jun 30, 2018.