i dont see a repair forum..
can someone point me to the best laptop repair forums?
anyways currently my question is what othe dell models can use my
15.6 LCD ?
someone gave me a dead Inspiron 1546.
momentary fan spin up only. wish i knew why.
niffcreature ex computer dyke
If you were trying to repair an actual LCD panel, you'd have to go to a more base level electronics forum.
For replacements/upgrades its all the same that goes in the hardware section.
You can use any 15.6" 16:9 1366x768 (all of these go together) CCFL backlit screen. You can't use an LED screen AFAIk, but maybe you should take it out and look at it to see what kind of screen it is.
There aren't many models you can use. Not sure why you want to know this.
There is LTN156AT01, LP156WH1, N156B3, B156XW01, CLAA156WA01 and thats pretty much all. This assumes there is no BIOS whitelisting of LCD EDIDs. -
If you want to know what other laptops your LCD will work in, chances are it will work in any 15.6" Dell laptop. Between different models of laptop, only the ribbon cable that plugs into the motherboard and into the LCD is any different, but that is a separate part from the LCD. Other brands of laptops probably too, but not sure.
thx niff.
shopping for laptop to fit the screen.
Qing Dao.
thank you the confirming that.
any thoughts as to that 1546 motherboard issue? power jack seems so common i may just replace it for the experience. -
niffcreature ex computer dyke
I dunno, LED and CCFL screens are pretty different. I'm guessing either it required a different cable and inverter for LED or CCFL or possibly its a special type of LED screen that uses a different detached inverter (unlike most standard screens) that hooks up to the same cable.
About the motherboard issue, if the fan spins up, a power jack replacement probably isn't going to fix it. -
For the computer not booting up, it could be bad ram, bad cpu, or bad bios as the easily correctable problems.
niffcreature, they used the same cable to connect to the motherboard. And I'm not sure what you mean by detached inverter, but the inverter was part of the LCD panel assembly. -
LED as a simple (diode) does not need inverter. i do not know anything at all about LED display electronics tho.
i would imagine the 12v that went to the inverter on a CCFL is just stepped down to the 3.x volts needed for LED and run thru a PWM circuit for brightness control?
whatever goes on seems like could easily have been designed use the same voltage intended for the ccfl inverter to keep them cross compatible.
Dell 15.6 Lcd
Discussion in 'Notebook Cosmetic Modifications and Custom Builds' started by dellduude, Jun 26, 2012.