Might be able to call this a mod.
Had a spare 17.3" screen and a screen controller with HDMI input. Got a bit creative. Just needed to modify the LVDS 50 pin cable to work with the controller.
Still needs a bit more work. The frame needs to be deeper so i can fit the controller and an extra (raspberry PI) in there so that if the HDMI port in not active the VGA will just have a slide show of photos running from the raspberry.
Will add more photos when i finish it. Will mount it as landscape. Portrid is a bit weird.
That looks great.
Maybe you can use one of those shadow box frames that they use for ribbons or awards. That should be deep enough.
Custom external sceen mod
Discussion in 'Notebook Cosmetic Modifications and Custom Builds' started by DH48, Jul 26, 2014.