Hi all, I'm looking into replacing my Samsung R560 as I've just started my degree in graphic design.
A brief history - After about 20 minutes of research I thought my only HD option was the Sony Vaio F series. Surprising amount of negative feedback online about it, so did a bit more digging. Found LOTS more options, but settled on the Dell XPS 15 with HD screen upgrade option and then Enigma III from PCS. However their Optimus II seems more suitable. I have a budget of roughly £800 but cheaper is always good. My most important part is the display for graphic design on CS4.
Both of the laptops have very similar specs and it's little things like after sales care, price and build quality that are going to make the difference.
Here are the specs of the models I'm considering:
Optimus II 15.6" Custom Build - £794
Full HD Glossy LED Widescreen (1920x1080)
[Ideal for photo editing and graphic design - although I've heard conflicting views about matte screens - are they worth it? An extra £79 on this model!]
Intel i7 2630QM 2.00ghz and 6mb cache
2x 4gb RAM
500gb 7,200rpm hard drive
Nvidia GeForce 555M 2gb graphics card
Dell XPS 15 - £849
Full HD B+RGLED TL (1920x1080) [Not 100% sure what those extra letters mean... Dell do not give a matte screen option.]
Intel i7 2630QM 2.00ghz and 6mb cache (the same as above)
1x 4gb + 1x 2gb RAM (2gb less than above)
750GB 7,200rpm hard drive (250gb more than above but I use a dataserver anyway)
NVIDIA GeForce 540M 2gb graphics card (slower than above)
The reason I'm considering the dell is that I've read negative things about the cheap chassis on the Optimus II and that it gets uncomfortably hot - and the speakers are apparantly very quiet.
Both laptops come with one year collect & return warranty (well the PCS silver warranty is £5 - definately worth it).
I'm just confused and stuck between a custom build and a big company with a reasonably good reputation - although it's more expensive.
If you have any other suggestions of laptops or edits to my build - please let me know. I'd also like to hear from anyone who owns an Optimus II of any description - there are hardly any reviews online!
Custom Build (Optimus II from PSC) vs. Dell XPS15
Discussion in 'Notebook Cosmetic Modifications and Custom Builds' started by Elise, Oct 4, 2011.