Well... in my endless search for the perfect laptop to fit me, I keep changing, which changes the laptop.
I have arrived back at the MBP. I have used them before. They are well built (mostly). They are well balanced, blah blah blah. Two problems:
1) OSX = bleh. No flames here please, but I will take my Vista with VPC 2007over anything. 3DCube rocks the life out of expose, spaces, and Xandros 3Desktop Cube. I will be installing Vista x64 if I get it.
2) that blasted Apple logo on the cover. I am sure I could get a top that was sheer aluminium, but I would like a top that displayed the vista logo...
Could someone point me to a person/service/guide that could help me throw a Vista Logo into the lid of a MBP (hopefully w.o voiding the warranty?)
Exiled, do you speak of Yod'm 3dCube? If not, can you post a link to the 3dcube you speak of?
You may like Switcher:
http://insentient.net/ -
I have switcher, I posted it in news the day it came out. I refer to this glorious program...
http://www.cubedesktop.com/ Its godly.
I just really curious if I could make the Apple (8.7% = fail) into a Windows Logo (94% = epic win) -
What is it that you like about this particular program?
Is it choppy at all (Switcher gets choppy)?
Looks interesting, just curious why you're all for it, and willing to pay for it.
Do you have the basic or Pro?
Which features do you consider indispensable?
Will I have problems with licensing if I'm reinstalling my OS every so often?
Oh yes, I almost forgot...how is it's footprint on the system? Will it interfere with gaming if I have it running while I'm in-game? -
I have not tried it with gaming, but on my laptop the impact is not that bad (it uses about 20-45 mb or ram, 70 when I am going nuts, but that is because I have sooooo many more windows open)
It does not stutter much with my 1.53 ghz Core Duo (not duo) and 2gb of ram.
I might worry about the hotkeys, but with your system, you should have no issue. The program itself is less than 9 mb.
on my desktop it runs flawless, and I can run games in it too. but, with a 2.66 C2D, and 8800GTX... everything is flawless...
try the trial. It gives you like... 1500 minutes of use AFAIK, I was sold on it in 20.
It is glorious in my honest opinion. -
anything would studder with 2mb of ram!!!!
Looks interesting. Does it fire up when Windows boots or does it launch from within Windows? I'd like to be able to disable it without uninstalling and/or restarting my comp if I decide to try it.
It does it either way. You can also have separate programs start on specific desktops when Cube Desktop starts.
After using it for a bit, I got really annoyed when it didn't start with my tablet.
It really makes using my computer much more functional (i.e. I was power browsing like never before last night, used more bandwidth than network would allow - for the first time ever... and I torrent (legal torrents, b/c you pirates ruin everything)
with semi-decent specs this program will make your computing life much moar fun. -
you could print on a transparency (the windows logo)
and insert it on top of the apple logo
it could be seamless if inserted properly -
The clear apple logo on the screen is just a translucent piece of acrylic.
Do you know what powers the light?
Apple powered their stupid apple logo buy cutting a hole in the mylar backing of the lcd panel. This lets the light from the backlight leak out to power their stupid logo. Talk about destroying a perfectly good screen.
If you look at your mac hard enough, you will see the cut out of the apple logo through the screen.
Set the background as white. then get a green light or something, and shine it into the logo. You will see that logo on your desktop background.
Apple is retarded.
This could help you, you could cut out any shape you want, and just continue to cut out the lcd backing, to allow the light to illuminate it.
Crazy Ugly MacBook Pro (mod help please)
Discussion in 'Notebook Cosmetic Modifications and Custom Builds' started by ExiledDuke, Apr 17, 2008.