Not sure if this is the right place to be asking this,
But i was wondering what do ppl use to clean their notebooks, cleaning the screen, keyboard from dust..etc.??
I used to use an air blower with my pc to clean the CPU, but i'm not sure if that's the way to go with the notebook.
Chicken Royale Notebook Geek NBR Reviewer
I just use an old toothbrush and a vacuum cleaner.
It's handy for cleaning the heatsinks as well. -
and what do you use to clean your screen? Do i just wipe it off with a piece of cloth?
I use an old, soft and beat-up white t-shirt, very slightly dampened with water and wipe very lightly.
yeah i do almost the same,just thought there might be a better way lol
Um, For the screen of my thinkpad I use a glasses cloth, they take all the dust and smudges from fingertips off pretty good.
For the keyboard I use to use this thing called "Dust Off" or something similar, its like a spray can with a thin nozzle so you can spray the gaps of your keyboard. -
I tried to clean the finger grease from my laptop keyboard with acetone.
I had to file down the spacebar to get it looking remotely presentable again, looked like an Alien bled on it.
Also it was very good for removing the sticker marks from the actual chassis of the machine. I guess that'l teach me for using the same rag on everything -
ouch gunslung, guess one should learn from other's mistakes
Thanks Supaweak, i think the glasses cloth might be a good idea -
Yes, the glasses cloths are called micro-fibre cloths, they usually have a thread count of around 1200-2000 threads per inch.
You can go to an optometrist and pick one up, or you can go to an aut parts store or auto paint store, and you can buy larger ones.
Microfibre cloths are amazing, they clean everything.
A simple wash with warm water and rubbing alcohol, and they are all clean again
I use my Stihl BR550 4 horsepower backpack blower to clean my desktop. Many of the computers which I find, I clean by opening the side panel, then I start up my 10 horsepower Fradan walk behind blower. The 3700cfm of air volume at 220miles per hour cleans every spec of dust from the case. Just wear an air mask, and remove the harddrive before cleaning.
Many people wonder how I clean their cases so well. They pay me more to clean their cases, and I simply use a backpack blower, and then hit it up with a wipe or two to get off deep fingerprints and such.
for dust, sand crumbs etc I use my airbrush and compressor. works rather nicely
yeh i use an air blower to clean the desktop as well,but i thought since the laptop is more delicate that might be a bad idea
But i just used it last night and nothing seemed 2 go wrong, works well
How do you remove grease off the keyboard and mouse pad though?
Does the glasses cloth do the job? -
Screen- Anti-Static Wipes
Vents- Compressed Air spray
Keyboard- USB slim vaccum (fits between keys and vent things too.) -
alcohol screen wipes will work to remove grease.
acetone will remove grease, ink, glue, paint, varnish, and the keys themselves.
aluminum keyboards are immune though apparantly. -
thanks 4 the suggestions everyone
Cleaning Notebooks.
Discussion in 'Notebook Cosmetic Modifications and Custom Builds' started by mobyzone, Feb 16, 2008.