Hey guys, I was wondering if there was a way to change the task bar to black on windows?
vista default is black -
for win XP -> you can do it two ways. You can opt for high contrast colors, which is for people who are visually impaired. Easier - right click on desktop, Properties, there is a panel for Visual Settings (or something similar...I have forgotten...on Vista now) You can then choose colors/fonts/sizes for all kinds of things - the taskbar should be an option -
You can try to use the uxtheme.dll hack and replace it with a different visual style. I use the luna element one from deviantart found here http://www.deviantart.com/deviation/29511577/
The one I have is black so it would fit your preference.
Good luck
Edit: Here is the link on the uxtheme information with the how to.
http://www.neowin.net/forum/lofiversion/index.php/t339820.html -
How did you gets yours to work. I downloaded the thing from deviantart. Ran the the file. When to properties and changed it to the theme. All it did was change it to classic. Could you please help me!
Did you install the Neowin uxtheme.dll patch before installing the theme from deviantart?? You will have to install that before installing the theme.
awesome got it fixed thanks!!!
I hope to hear from you soon about these two things.
Thanks for reading
Laptoplover -
I just use WindowsBlinds. Changes the whole GUI depending on what theme you want. Its worth it IMO, since I can't stand my anything looking like anyone else's.
usapatriot Notebook Nobel Laureate
The New Free Zune Theme from microsoft gives you a black taskbar.
Cruxshadows? I seem to have heard of them but i cant place them. Thanks for the link to the theme also.
Direct Link...
http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=75078 -
Thanks a bunch!!! I appreciate it!!
Sorry, but is anyone going to answer my questions posted in my post above??
Ok, thank you!! -
Oh, cool... so, my computer is in English at the moment... when I install the taskbar and patch it will be in English, right?! -
EDIT: You'll have to install the patch first and then install the theme. -
I use Vista Transformation Pack 5.5 it changes the task bar to black & has a lot of neat extras.
At last, Vista Transformation Pack 5.5 has finally come out! Despite the name Vista, you'll get whole new update and more functions. Get the awesome Vista look today!
Vista Transformation Pack 5.5 will give to your Windows XP system the new and cool look of Microsoft's future operating system: Windows Vista. The pack changes most of the system icons, skins and toolbars and also adds new enhancements to your desktop such as a dock bar or a different system tray clock
You sure will be surprised if you hear this. From now on you can update Vista Transformation Pack without uninstalling and you can even integrate Vista Transformation Pack 5.5 into Windows setup files. (Still experimental, though but most of them are fine enough to be implemented)
This release has a lot of update covering from build 5472 so youll get much more icons update and much better visual styles and WindowBlinds skin, with bugs from earlier release fixed. Lets see the changelog for more details below.
* Added Apply Vista Setup screens transformation
* Fixed applying missing Vista UI transformation to setup files bug
* Fixed language id debug dialog when repair in Maintenance Center
* Fixed missing resources patching for Media Center and Tablet PC Edition
* Fixed missing some files during Vista UI transformed setup installation preparation
* Fixed new updated files missing after uninstallation when use re-apply Vista UI transformation mode
* Fixed obsolete language id checking bug in repair function
* Fixed rebuilding icon cache console dialog disappearance bug
* Fixed rebuilding icon cache incompleteness problems (I programed it to delete IconCache.db so it should be better)
* Fixed resource extracting using Resource Hacker bug on some non-English langude id with letter
* Fixed SideBar obsolete uninstallation that might cause problems to Vista SideBar
* Fixed Start orb misalign for VistaStart (by 1 pixel)
* Fixed system files uninstallation bug (system files restored after uninstall, all same)
* Fixed Vista Toolbar Throbber animation bug
* Fixed Vista Visual Packs execution problem on Vista UI transformed setup files that doesnt have GUIRunonce.
* Fixed WindowBlinds installation path detection bug
* Fixed WindowBlinds skin installation on Vista UI transformed setup install launch bug
* Fixed Windows logo in System Properties overlapping bug
* Fixed wordpad.exe patching failure (wrong file location)
* Fixed unable to execute ResourceHacker.exe on Vista UI transformed setup install bug
* Fixed uxtheme.dll patcher execution issues (couldnt execute file xxx.com, patch doesnt work, etc.)
* Fixed uxtheme.dll patching issues on Windows Server 2003 with Service Pack 2 Beta
* Fixed x64 Edition detection failure on x86 OS with x64 CPU
* Updated Vista cursors from Pre-RC1 build
* Updated Vista icons from Pre-RC1 build
* Updated Vista tray icons from Pre-RC1 build
* Updated Vista logon background from Pre-RC1 build
- -
awww sweet! thats great! so after i download it, how do i apply it? and how do i change the language to english, because in the pic it is in some other language
So that is still beta?
OK... thanks for the info... I will probably do that, if I have time today, and if it works! -
Awesome find on that zune theme. I love it. I always wanted a black taskbar buy I didn't want to full with windows blinds, etc. Thanks so much for the link. Now I just have to get used to it after seeing blue for years!
It is simple to install, very nice.
whats up with that ugly start button color? is there anyway to change that?
usapatriot Notebook Nobel Laureate
agreed. Looks like Halloween.
Haha... I was trying to think of something that it resembles, and you just gave me the perfect example! The rest looks cool though...
after you download it, how do you apply it? im reffering to the royale noir that mach mentioned
I'm installing the Microsoft Zune Desktop Theme... it has installed, and I'm now changing the theme! I hope it works! OMG!! That is sooooo different! It's lovely, but I'll have to get used to it!!! Thanks for the link!
when you apply themes, does it change your background as well?
do you have to have MCE to do this? cause it says this: "Extract files to “c:\windows\resources\themes\royale noir” and double click on “luna.msstyles”. Select “Noir” from color scheme. Code-signed by Microsoft. No UXTheme hack required."
but my thing doesnt have a royale noir folder or a luna.msstyles thing...as well, the file is an "unknown" file that cant be opened with anything
EDIT: nevermind i got it to work -
Reffering back to the vista transformation pack. Will this affect the speed of my system and how much ram would you reccomend to run such a thing without it interferin with other things and making them go slow? Also I heard the real vista takes an hour of your battery life, I know its just made to look like vista but will it take any battery life of? thnx
...anyway I downloaded and installed it (windows vista thingy) and it looks pretty awsome infact I keep forgettingfg I dont actually have vista! The only thing is, the software they give you to turn things transparent turns the whole window transparent which means even webpages etc. are transparent which is v.annoying. Does anyone know of any software to just turn your titlebars transparent besides windowsblinds etc.
oh and havent noticed a lag at all.
Oh and I love the swooping noise when minimizing windows. -
i have the vista transorm pack now and boy it looks so cool, although the transparency on everything is gonna take some getting used to, but overall im thrilled!
Ermm... for that Vista transformation pack, do you need another program to run it (SyleXP, WindowsBlinds..), or does it just work on it's own? Does it put viruses into your system and, most importantly, is it easy to uninstall? It looks good on the screenshot!
1) no u dont need another program to run it
2) i dont think it puts viruses into your system...i hope it doesnt >.<
3) to uninstall you just go to add/remove programs and uninstall it there -
he thing is, loads of people on here have said that that Transformation Pack is really hard to uninstall and that they've had to reformat Windows! Is that true? I would like another Vista like black taskbar theme, 'cause my parents made me uninstall the Zune theme, 'cause they thought it could muck up my PC. Now I'm back to the normal silver XP theme, it's boring, and my font has gone all big (when I go to change it to Normal in Control Panel it says it already is Normal! Anything I can do?)!!?! -
i've had problems uninstalling the vista transformation pack so i wouldnt recommend it, in fact i'd avoid it all costs -
uh oh! well i think i should be fine with it until i get vista...plus it will fool ppl into thinking i have vista even though id still be running xp
The Glass2k on the VTP is really annoying. If you game you should turn it off. It screws up way more than it is worth. Other than that its really cool. Been using it for awhile and no problems so far.
I haven't had any problems with the Vista Transformation Pack and no slow downs at all on any of my computers. I only use the Vista interface in English and don't install any added programs with it. I love it and haven't tried to uninstall it. I don't know if you would have problems uninstalling it. I do know that you can still change your task-bar & icons without uninstalling it. You can also uninstall the added programs after installing them and update Vista Transformation Pack without problems.
This is my desktop.
While everyone is looking at my desktop I have a few questions.
Does anyone know where I could find Nintendo DS or m3 perfect icons?
I would like to clean up the upper right corner of my desktop.
Does anyone know how to crop and make the Superman logo smaller to use as a start menu & welcome screen user image?
Does anyone know how to make a black & yellow Superman logo icon from this image?
Any help on this would be great.
Thank You,
Change Task Bar to Black
Discussion in 'Notebook Cosmetic Modifications and Custom Builds' started by aznron911, Jul 23, 2006.