Can dead pixel worsen over time and affect the other pixels around it?
It can spread, as the display gets hot and cold going though thermal stress, it can cause more pixels to fail or become hot, as the surrounding pixels maybe weak.
At the same time dead-pixels sometimes seem to fix themselves while other pixels unrelated can randomly become stuck. When you have millions of something and each one's result is visable, dead-pixels are a fact of life.
A 1080*1050 screen has 1764000 pixels, or 5292000 sub-pixels.
So one dead sub-pixel (which will cause a dead pixel) is a 0.00000019% failer rate. -
Even 1 dead or hot pixel in the middle of your screen can ruin some peoples enjoyment.
I heard that in some rare cases, stuck pixels may spread outward and form a horizontal white line across the screen.
Anyways, I am sending my laptop back to ASUS to get it replaced. -
Good idea, That's why I like ASUS' dead pixel warranty. -
usapatriot Notebook Nobel Laureate
I've never had a dead pixel spreading problem in the four years that I've owned LCD's and still use today.
Can dead pixels worsen over time?
Discussion in 'Notebook Cosmetic Modifications and Custom Builds' started by inchyfingers, Mar 27, 2009.