I have the design I want, but I need someone with the proper computer program to make it symmetrical, clean it up, etc. or tell me if windows XP has a program that I could do it on. So if I could post the pic, or send it to someone, could you help me out? Thanx alot.
I have a program called Paint Shop Pro. PM the image to me with further detail of what you need, or just post it here. I can't garrauntee anything, but I might be able to help.
L8R -
Hey thanks, Id appreciate it. I'll get it to you on monday probably because I cant get it scanned until then. It is similar to your design, in fact yours gave me the idea to make it a computer skin.
Cool deal. Glad I could be of some sort of inspiration, lol. Just let me know man, I'll definately be around.
Can anyone help me design a custom skin?
Discussion in 'Notebook Cosmetic Modifications and Custom Builds' started by dblb48, Jan 17, 2008.