Can a minor scratch on the LCD screen affect the computer in the long run?? For example, would it cause the screen to die faster?
No but it can hurt resale value.
spradhan01 Notebook Virtuoso
There will be no effect if its only a scratch but it the screen is broken then it might as well as if you try to sale your laptop then yes less price.
Why dont talk with ur laptop company if its still in warranty and get it replaced saying a nice good story of problems in LCD? -
yup thanks alot u just made our computers more expensive so they can pay for your fake issues
Well, it came scratched but very minor.
A matte screen protector can hide most scratches/imperfections....
It came scratched? Was it brand new? If it was, I would definitely give them a call and get a replacement.
If it came scratched I would call for a replacement, who knows what else has happened to it.
Definitely ask for a replacement if it came scratched.
If it came scratched, I would not even mind to turn the thing on...the screen is one of the main appeals of the laptop itself...right now I just have to control myself with my DV7 because there is a dust particle STUCK in the middle of the screen, which is not covered by the warranty and is really annoying.
Yeah, I already RMA the unit and Fedex will pick it up on Monday. I also found a stuck pixel. Good thing ASUS has the 30 day Zero Bright Pixel policy.
just thought i'd note... if you're ultra picky/anal about very, very minor imperfections with purchased items, you're probably going to invest hours shipping, waiting, etc. and possibly end up with an item that is imperfect in some different way. if it's something that genuinely bothers you then send it back, but do realize that your new product may have some other glitch..
Can a scratch affect the computer?
Discussion in 'Notebook Cosmetic Modifications and Custom Builds' started by inchyfingers, Mar 19, 2009.