I did all my tweaking but the outside of my laptop looks like crap. Is it ok to remove the stickers in the right corner near keyboard? There are 3 of them, Windows Vista sticker, Intel Centrino, and ATI Radeon. I want to remove them but I don't want it to live sticky residue behind...
They will leave residue behind. I use alcohol and goo gone to get it off.
Yep, alcohol usually does the trick!
I will warn you. I have seen cases in which alcohol has damaged palm-rests.
Personally, I have used alcohol pads to no ill effect I just thought I would warn you.
I've you've got some patience and nothing else to do for a while, just rub at the remaining adhesive residue with your thumb and it'll eventually come off.
You could call the companies who have their stickers on your laptop, and ask for a monthly paycheck from them. They are advertising on your personal belongings.
I've slowly torn off most of the stickers on my laptop with no ill effects. I've left on the Windows/Intel stickers so far since they look harder to remove, though. Have you tried using a blowdryer and then removing them? It works for those parking stickers on my car window.
had my XPS M1530 palm rest changed the other day,the new one had no stickers on it,just for fun i removed them from the old palm rests and had some residue left behind which i easily removed by smudging,hopefully you can remove the residue too
I remove them as said previously, intensive rubbing...(lol that sounds weird...) dont use alcohool, there is a risk.
alcohol works,
lighter fluid works,
nail polish remover works,
but if you dont want to use any chemicals on your surface,
remove the sticker
get 2 strips of duck tape
gently roll duck tape on glue residue, occassionally pressing firmly on the glue residue... the adhesive on the duct tape will pull out the glue.
you can actually do this with box tapes as well...scotch tape, you need a lot more patience.
Can I?
Discussion in 'Notebook Cosmetic Modifications and Custom Builds' started by X360proGamer, Nov 20, 2008.