Dunno if this is the correct forum but here it goes:
Iam looking to modify my bios splash screen on my Acer Aspire 5630. Ive been looking into it and since its a Phoenix Bios I downloaded the Phoenix Bios editor version I also downloaded the latest bios from the acer website and extracted the archive i found there. Containing 2 files, 1 flashprogram and 1 WPH file which I recon should be the bios.
Can someone guide me through the process of updating my Phoenix Bios splash screen or however its called. Ive seen some impressive mods on the comal hel80
and the acer should have a similar bios so therefor I asume it should be possible as well for my machine.
Perhaps the Phoenix Bios editor is too old therefor Id like to ask for a link to a more recent version.
Tnx a bundle
You can use Phoenix Bios editor to change logo in Wph files
the demo of it call bedemo.zip but will not let you change logo you need full version to build new bios or rebuild bios with new logo -
Check this thread in the Compal forum. I did it with my machine, works pretty well
People are jealous. Of that, and the Beryl desktop. Mmmm, 3D desktop... screw Vista, I've got nifty graphics now!
Bios splash mod
Discussion in 'Notebook Cosmetic Modifications and Custom Builds' started by xentor, Nov 26, 2006.