Hi All,
Please give some suggestions on the best way to clean a glossy laptop screen without scratches .
I can see a number of fingerprint marks on my glossy screen .If I wipe it out with a cloth may be it will develop scratches !
Some solutions may be harmful for the screen .
Is there any link on the net to suggest the best solutions which can be used for this purpose ?
Is it advisable to go for a scratch guard screen protector on a glossy screen or not ?
Thanks .
Use the micro fibre cloth that camewith your XPS 1530
Use a lint free cloth, no real need for cleaners, just breathe on the screen causing some moisture build up. I don't know if that's bad for it (probably isn't) but please do correct me if I am wrong.
John Ratsey Moderately inquisitive Super Moderator
I use a damp (not wet - no free water) cloth with a hint (ie much less than a drop) of liquid detergent (dish washing liquid or very cheap shampoo without all the additiive). Give the rest of the computer a wipe after cleaning the screen.
John -
Shampoo without additives ??
Lint free damp cloth, dampened by plain old water. However, in view of the mess coming out of faucets these days, I'd suggest buying a bottle of distilled water at your local grocery store. Tastes good to drink as well.
dell gives you a micro fibre cloth, you should but it to good use
if it stays clean, it won't scratch the screen
Supposedly a drop of fabric conditioner on a damp cloth can be used to clean lcd monitors, and it also anti-static .
john. -
I just damp a soft cloth with water to clean finger/smudge marks, and then buff with a micro fiber cloth.
I use a micro fiber cloth from RadTech that also functions as a keyboard protector when your notebook is closed to prevent keyboard marks. Very useful IMO. http://www.radtech.us/Products/NotebookScreenSavrz.aspx -
Chucklz_smiley Notebook Consultant
i use s small amount of meths on a cloth on my screen....works like a charm
A damp cloth with water is how I clean my glossy screen. I've also tried a damp cloth with a very small amount of soap and it works as well.
I find the damp cloth with water only to be the better of the two as there's no secondary cleanup. -
Use a microfiber cloth with a 50/50 mix of isopropyl alcohol and water. Justification and details below.
Don't spray anything on the screen. Always apply liquids to your cloth. Spraying liquids directly on your screen can potentially damage your screen. You can either spray onto a cloth, or just pour a small amount on the cloth.
Like I said, isopropyl alcohol and water is the best suggestion. Isopropyl alcohol isn't expensive, and it will last a long time, even with frequent cleanings. I mix a little with about an equal amount of water in a small bottle whenever I run out. When I want to clean my screen, I open the bottle, press a microfiber cloth against the opening, then tip the bottle over and back, quickly.
As long as they aren't too dirty, most screens can be cleaned with just water. However, glossy screens really require some alcohol. If you don't use alcohol, you're be left with streaks of oil(from the fingerprints) and as well as water marks. Microfiber cloth is highly recommended(it won't scratch your screen).
For the sake of your screen, I'd also suggest that you avoid touching or letting other people touch your screen. A fingerprint or two every once in a while isn't the end of the world, but unless you've got a touchscreen(that was meant to be touched) it isn't a good idea to frequently touch your screen. -
^Ditto. Microfiber and 50/50 IPA water mix
I cleaned my glossy screen earlier tonight (before reading this thread, in fact). I tried water first, and it left streaks... but 50/50 alcohol, what I use for cleaning thermal grease, streaked MUCH WORSE. I then tried a bit of windex (did not spray it on screen, put it on the cloth) and this worked best.
If you must use Windex, then at least dilute it first with water. Still, I would advise staying away from these type of cleaning products.
As for using water or alcohol mixtures, make sure the cloth is only slightly damp to reduce streaks. Finishing up with a dry microfiber cloth helps remove minor streaks left behind. -
However, I think I might know the real cause. You say that you use such a solution for cleaning thermal surfaces. My guess is that you mixed some alcohol and water a long time ago, stored it in some kind of container, and use a little from the container every time you find a need for water/alcohol solution. Perhaps the solution is either very old, or poorly sealed. It is possible that most of the alcohol vaporized long ago, and that you were really just smearing water around your screen. That seems like a likely explanation to me, except that you claim the streaking was worse with alcohol/water than it was with just water. -
Monster ScreenClean and microfibre cloth - works every time
I always clean my laptop with meth.
I usually just lick my finger then rub it on the spot I want cleaned, rub it dry.
I use a 3M scotchbrite microfibre cloth and eyeglass lens cleaner solution.
I actually use Armor All glass wipes for my screen. It works well on pretty much all screens, wether it is a CRT screen, matte LCD, or glossy LCD. After the glass wipe, I buff with a microfiber cloth.
This article was posted a while ago: Cleaning Your Notebook Guide Part 3: Cleaning the Screen
i spray windex on sheet of paper towel and wipe it on my screen. it dries instantaneously and i've not found better solution for crystal clear screen. i've tried water, disinfecting wipes, monitor wipes (specifically made for screen cleaning) and ALL of them leave something behind if you look at it from a right angle. trust me nothing beats windex as long as you don't spray it directly at the screen. i've been using windex+paper towel for all my glossy screens (over 4 laptops and several desktop screens) for past 2 years and i haven't had a single problem. there's not a scratch on my screen whatsoever.
edit: make sure you have dry piece of paper towel ready to gently wipe off any excess liquid remaining on the screen (it's the most important part). -
my hp lappy came with this microfiber cloth very good for cleaning the screen , u can buy some from amazon or ebay
Best way to clean a glossy LCD laptop screen ?
Discussion in 'Notebook Cosmetic Modifications and Custom Builds' started by hsbrar, May 11, 2008.