I want to paint the keyboard on my T60 similar this:
I had luck with automotive grade glossy metallic paint last round on my touchpad buttons, showing no wear over almost a year of heavy use. I dont think matte paint would hold up in the same way over time though. My ThinkPad is reaching the age where I am not too concerned about painting anymore, so I figure I will go all out on this thing.
dietcokefiend DietGreenTeaFiend
haha my parents would go insane if they had that keyboard. They're "peck and hunt" typists, so they look around and scream "where'd D go?!?!" for about 30 seconds before finding it.
Best matte paint for keyboard keys?
Discussion in 'Notebook Cosmetic Modifications and Custom Builds' started by dietcokefiend, Feb 20, 2009.