I keep looking at this chintsy white boarder of my 640m / e1405 and wondering if there is anything I can do to make it look better? Are there any mods that other have done? Painted the plastic? Any suggestions? Any comments? Any hope?
you'll probably get more answers in the cosmetic mod forum
moving -
ah ok, thanks
Could always just color it with a magic marker.
I've thought about painting my entire E1505 just because I hate the white borders.. but the more I think about the more work it sounds like. Other then painting it there isn't many other ways to change it, some say there is vinyl dye, but thats basically painting it as well, but with a different type of paint.
at least the 6400 will be so ugly no one will want to steal one
so i'm happy with the 6400 i'll get on the 25th
it's like being dragged behind a truck waiting for a laptop
i dont' think coloring it with the magic marker would look very nice
is there any dell cover that can cover up those white lines? -
None that I am aware of.
even painitng it black would look way better
i think it depends on how well you paint it and what you use to paint it with
i've seen paint jobs go bad really fast
i really hate that white border too, it's fugly, why can't they just have gone with a consistant color all the way?
doesn't dell care that lots of it's 6400 customer think it looks bad? -
it looks so cheap and silly, a least make it black then it looks cool
It would look great right next to the blender and microwave in the kitchen.
Maybe they just designed it for women? :S
nice one Syndrome
if what you think is true, then we're both using woman products :-(
i would actually like it to be the same color as the case, black rims will (to me) still look ugly -
naaah... inspiron lappies are not specifically targeted to women or the bumpers/borders would be pink
I know its kinda late check out what i did to the e1705 with its ugly white bumpers.
Are there any mods for the ugly white boarder?
Discussion in 'Notebook Cosmetic Modifications and Custom Builds' started by outkastland, Sep 9, 2006.