Hey all, I was just wondering if anyone has tried a DIY paint job using the Killer Cans products by Alsa. They have some really cool looking finishes, and I'm wondering if the cans really deliver as promised, and if they're worth the hefty price tag ($40 a can!!)
I didn't put in a link previously, 'cause I figure anyone who's used them before would know what I'm talking about, but I'll post it for everyone else
You can check out the finishes I'm talking about here:
http://www.alsacorp.com/paints.htm -
Those look awesome, nope no experience....yet
THAT is a nice find dude, someone may try one of these out...
Anyone have experience with Alsa Killer Cans?
Discussion in 'Notebook Cosmetic Modifications and Custom Builds' started by blueyedsoul, May 18, 2007.