I wanted to show y'all a simple addition I applied to my laptop. It is in response to my old laptop being stolen and also to add a personal touch.
Its just a custom made aluminum name tag from I had my name, number, and laptop S/N put on the tag in hopes to deter theft, and if for some odd reason I lose my mind and misplace my laptop, someone can contact me so that maybe I could get it back. (I'm also going to get some stuffbak decals for it). I sent in the text and logo I wanted, chose the style of tag, and when a design was agreed upon, they mailed it to me. I applied it to the laptop with some epoxy I picked up from autozone. 5 min. set epoxy with 1500 psi strength. I measured edge distances to the hp logo, and was careful to try and place the tag at the same dimensions, just on the other side. A couple of pics are attached to show what I did. I'm awaiting a custom made skin from hp as well that was a freebie with the laptop. I'll post a couple of pics of that too when I get it. I'm going to overlay it on top of the tag and try to trim it around the edges so the tag shows through and the edges lay nice and flat. Although that sounds easy, it'll pose a bit of a challenge.
NOW, the PICS!!!
This pic just shows the thickness of the tag, gotta look for it a bit to see it.
dont get me wrong i wish the world was full of people who would send you your laptop back but 95% of ppl out there would nick it sad but true,
cool, but you should have done a black tag with silver writing to match the hp symbol
thats sick man. i would also have put an email there as well. phone numbers change all the time. i like how they offer plastic to get the color i would want, but then they dont offer the epoxy cover for plastic! dangit. anyways man thats a sick ass mod. reps for u.
KUNFUCHOPSTICKS Notebook Consultant
that's great man!
Now I wonder if I should do this or just buy a dymo label maker and do it that way. -
FrankTabletuser Notebook Evangelist
But the thief could just peel it off. Or, because then it would be sensless
Better looking and more save is a gravure, in my opinion, but then you aren't able to sell it again
And just activate a bios based password and a hard drive encryption if possible, so that at least the thief has nothing from his prey. -
Looks sick dude... Ordering mine today
FrankTabletuser Notebook Evangelist
But then I don't understand why he bought such an, in my opinion, awful aluminium tag? A gravure would look much better. But if he likes it.
The idea is good, I just don't like it -
i like that idea a lot. someone mentioned a thief could just pull it off - obviously i don't think he made that as a theft deterrent, rather just a way to identify the laptop if it was ever lost or something.
Aluminum Name Tag for ID and Custom Purposes
Discussion in 'Notebook Cosmetic Modifications and Custom Builds' started by audioslave84, Jan 12, 2008.