My latest project Is my old faithful M18x R2. While I wait for it’s GTX 1070 upgrade, I’ve decided to freshen her up. I decided to go with Delft Blue which is the colour of my old car (Holden VU SS ute).
I started on the LCD lid but the chassis isn’t far behind.
Pics are; Before, Primed, First Coat, Clear Coated.
It’s dark outside so couldn’t get a photo in the sun, for now
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Some finished pics of the lid out in the sunshine and the first coat on the chassis.
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Some final pics in the sunshine
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalktriturbo, Johndill, Starlight5 and 2 others like this. -
Really nice job mate! It looks like a genuine factory colour option!
Maxware79 likes this. -
Thanks man. I just bought an M15x off ebay today so I'm planning on doing the same paint job to that so I have a matching pair.
Johndill, triturbo and Rengsey R. H. Jr. like this. -
You know Maxy I never cared for the outside paint job..your other ones look nice....but I hardly ever look at outside!...but this one is really nice!
VU ute...hehehe...In Japan you would be called Bosozuku...(petrol head) this is my current drive...Fairlady Z..350z
Last edited by a moderator: Jan 31, 2020Maxware79 likes this. -
Very nice!
I may have been a bit of a petrol head back in my younger days but I got rid of the Ute and bought a family wagon. Granted it has a 6L V8 and 6 speed manual trans but it still carries the kids
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Alienware M18x R2 - Delft Blue Paint Mod
Discussion in 'Notebook Cosmetic Modifications and Custom Builds' started by Maxware79, Dec 16, 2019.