I decided to try to replicate the Pre-Dell Cyborg Green from days gone by on this old M18x. While the green I went for is probably a darker shade that the Cyborg Green, I think it's looking pretty good.
After getting the matte black palmrest perfect last night I had a little mishap and it has to get resprayed so the last few photos are of the laptop just slapped together until I can fix my stupidity.
All finished. Just need to source a better LCD rubber insert as this one is a little ratty.
Spartan@HIDevolution, Megol and dmanti like this. -
Damn Max. Looks great! Bye-bye sticky mess, hello ALIENS! Puts me in mind of that History Channel meme-guy with the nutso-hair.
What is your process for dealing with the anti-slip coating? Removal or just lock it into paint? I've heard of people just giving it 2-3 good coats of primer to basically entomb the stuff, seal it away from oxygen, and then coat over it. I feel like some kind of scraping would work really well, but would it be worth all the work?Spartan@HIDevolution likes this. -
Thanks. I have sprayed directly over the soft-touch on the lid of an M17x R3. With a few good coats of primer before the colour coats it turned out pretty good but it's very hard to get a hard gloss final finish doing it this way.
These days I remove the soft-touch using a orange power solvent cleaner and a plastic pry tool to scrape it all away, see pics below. It's a very messy job but the final product turns out much better. You don't want to scratch the plastic or you'll have to sand it smooth again. The worse condition the soft-touch is in, the easier the job tends to be. If it's really sticky then the solvent works faster at breaking it all down. I'm not sure how they apply the soft-touch at factory but it's basically a glue/resin that sits on top of the plastic palmrest and LCD lid (only on the palmrest on the M18x)
Spartan@HIDevolution likes this.
Alienware M18x R1 - Cyborg Green Respray
Discussion in 'Notebook Cosmetic Modifications and Custom Builds' started by Maxware79, Nov 17, 2021.