Okay, so basically I have a Alienware 14 (2013 765M) and well it got smashed (not by me, the previous owner) and well its proven to be really hard to get the parts I need to re-build it, and well I had the idea to just mount it to the back of my 27inch 1080p monitor and use it like a "All in one".
So here's some info about the laptop, it is the model that came with windows 8 so secure boot is enabled. And it does function. I've had it plugged into a TV via HDMI and it worked and I got to play with it for a bit but wanted to install Windows 7.. So I went ahead and disabled secure boot and fast boot etc. The things I thought that needed to be disabled to install Windows 7. But after changing the settings in the bios and already formatting the hard drive deleting the recovery partition along with everything else and went to turn it on but then the 8 beep error code came back and will not boot to bios or anything when trying to use an external monitor or TV.
So what I am asking help with is finding a way to by-pass or trick the LCD test and force it to boot to my monitor via HDMI.
If someone can help me figure that out I'll keep you all updated on the project.
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Starlight5 Yes, I'm a cat. What else is there to say, really?
Remove/disconnect CMOS battery for some time, then put/connect it back. It should reset bios settings to defaults.
Yeah I figured that out a day or two ago, got the bios reset, but still I need to find out to bypass the LCD check to make it completely go through post. If someone could find out what the pin out of the LCD cable port on the mobo that'd be amazing.
Thanks for the reply though. -
Wish I could help you as I have done some checking on doing the same thing with some old m11xs.
The best I could find was to get a small lcd with the same pin out, I forget what the pin style is called, but just plug that lcd in and stick it to the case with the backlight turned off. It will always read a lcd then, but you will never really see it.
Alienware 14 (2013 765M) "All in one" Mod idea, need help
Discussion in 'Notebook Cosmetic Modifications and Custom Builds' started by Izen, Nov 25, 2014.