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    web pages not loading after closing connection time out

    Discussion in 'Networking and Wireless' started by talknotebooks, Dec 7, 2015.

  1. talknotebooks

    talknotebooks Notebook Enthusiast

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    hi forum,

    In the past couple months I have been having problems with web page connections. Usually if I close a web page and then try to open the page again I will get this error.

    This webpage is not available

    This is quite annoying. If I use my neighbors internet at the same time the page loads fine. The problem is obviously with my connection not the web page. This happens all the time now. I have to wait 5 to 10 minutes before the web page will be available again.

    I have try to reset my wifi adapter, flushdns, reset winsocket, almost everything I can think of. No matter what I have to wait 5 to 10 minutes for the web page to become available again.

    This has been happening lately while playing MMO online games now during games and it causing me to loose during gameplay. I loose connection during play and have to wait 5 to 10 minutes for the page to become available again. nothing will fix it.

    anyone have any clues what is going on?
  2. 3Fees

    3Fees Notebook Deity

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    Clear cookies, power cycle router,run malwarebytes for virus, update java if using, update Flash Player, make sure all network drivers are the latest, make sure all drivers are latest, use the latest browser.

    3Fees :)