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    Wirelessly connecting two wireless router

    Discussion in 'Networking and Wireless' started by kierkegaard, Jun 25, 2006.

  1. kierkegaard

    kierkegaard Notebook Evangelist

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    Me and my girlfriend adopted a roomate this summer. We aleady have a wireless network in place using a Netgear WGR614 v5. Instead of buying a wireless card for his PC, my friend wanted to buy an additional router with the hope of connecting wirelessly to the Netgear's wireless signal. He was told that this could only be done with a Linksys router so he bought a Linksys WRT54G. Problem is, we're having one heck of a time trying to figure out how to do this. We've found numerous sites/message boards telling us how to connect the two using a bridge but this isn't the route we'd like to go. We've found one site explaining how to do this but that involved a 3rd party firmware dload that could be used on his Linksys but not on my Netgear (something involving WDS which supposedly is a newer feature in some routers). If anyone could lend some advice/shove us in the right direction I would greatly appreciate it. I'm no expert with networking but I am capable of shutting off dhcp and assigning IP's manually etc... If it can't be done, please let me know why as I have to explain to my friend why the Bestbuy employees are not the great beacon of information they apparently came off as being.

    In the end we'd like to have something like this:

    cable modem/netgear router --------connected wirelessly by signal----------- friend's linksys/friend's pc
  2. BatBoy

    BatBoy Notebook Nobel Laureate

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  3. kierkegaard

    kierkegaard Notebook Evangelist

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    Thanks I'll look into that tomorrow. Just perusing it looks like it will be very helpful. And you're absolutely right, google is our friend. Only Google doesn't help much when you don't know the terminology, that is why I had to explain everything above so that a four year old could read it. I mean, I'm sure there is some term that means exactly what I'm trying to do or at least paraphrases it (and apparently what I was shooting for was a "wireless ethernet bridge") but I didn't know that 10 minutes ago. Thanks for the link ;).

    And yeah, he could've paid just as much for a wireless card but he didn't have a router and he can use it someday in the future.
  4. NissanSupraGTR

    NissanSupraGTR Notebook Evangelist

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    I don't think you can use a normal router that way (as a repeater). I think there are special routers/Access points that have that feature, but i doubt the wrt54g has it.