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    Wired Home Network - 1/2 there but stuck

    Discussion in 'Networking and Wireless' started by Apollo13, Dec 29, 2007.

  1. Apollo13

    Apollo13 100% 16:10 Screens

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    Been trying to figure this out for a couple hours without any progress on the main problem. I'm trying to set up a home network with three computers (listed in terms of use):

    1. Windows XP Home desktop
    2. Windows 98 (standard) desktop
    3. Windows XP Home laptop (will only be there a few months of the year)

    After setting up my ethernet card in the Windows 98 computer and getting the Internet working on said machine, I started on the network. I used the Network Setup Wizard in XP, and created a Network Setup floppy to set it up in 98. For the XP laptop I used an XP CD to set up the network.

    The problem is, the connections don't all work. Here's what I see:

    1. From Win XP desktop (first one setup, supposed to be head honcho): XP desktop shared docs (its own). Nothing else. This is a big problem. It needs to see the Windows 98 desktop files at least, but it sees nothing right now. Network setup wizard has been ran multiple times.

    2. From Win98 desktop: All three seen, some difficulties accessing files (doesn't always work, esp w/laptop), but have been able to open files from the XP desktop on it (though the XP desktop cannot see the Win98 desktop).

    3. From Win XP laptop: Win98 desktop seen and can access files on it with no problems whatsoever. Sees WinXP desktop, but when I try to access it it says, "\\WinXPDesktop is not accessible. You might not have permission to use this network resource. Contact the administrator of this server to find out if you have access permissions. (newline) The network path was not found."

    So my guess is there's some setting on the XP desktop that's messing this up. File sharing is turned on (on all three machines). The TCP/IP protocol is installed (wired ethernet is the mode of transfer) and the router seems to be working correctly. But I can't get the XP desktop to recognize either of the other two computers (98 or XP). It's certainly not a problem with the 98 one as the XP laptop can access its files fine.

    :confused: :confused: :confused:
  2. kegobeer

    kegobeer 1 hr late but moving fast

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    How are you connecting all three computers? Are you using a router? Are these wired or wireless connections?

    As for using the wizard - IMHO it is completely useless. You would be better served by manually configuring each computer. Right click on My Computer, select Properties, click on Computer Name, click on Change, enter the workgroup name. Do the same on all machines. Viola, all computers now belong to the same workgroup. Now, create identical users on each machine.

    Remember that only files in the Shared folder will be visible; no files or folders inside a user's profile are ever visible. You can create a new directory on a second hard drive (or somewhere else on the C drive if you only have one drive or partition), right click, and share it.
  3. kegobeer

    kegobeer 1 hr late but moving fast

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    You might also need to disable any software firewalls on your computers if you still have trouble connecting. If things start working, you know you have to tweak your firewall(s).