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    Windows Home Server Add-Ins the good bad & the ugly

    Discussion in 'Networking and Wireless' started by Kurat, Dec 15, 2008.

  1. Kurat

    Kurat Notebook Consultant

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    There is a-lot of add-ins for whs, but in my opinion there is a ton of crap out there, wether their free or pay, I find a-lot of the free ones are in beta from almost a year ago, I installed 4 add-ins and it bought my HP box to a crawl after about 4 hours and I have upgraded the memory to 2 gigs, there are a-lot of add-ins that offer convenience such as an error reporter, but you can get all that by remoting into the os at a couple of extra steps, but the add-in can be taxing on your server, I tried a power consumption add-in, all it did right off the bat was put my server into a re-boot loop, and I didnt have enough time to get into the console to get at the settings, so I had to do a reset, does anybody have any add-ins they like and work well and have you had any nightmare add-ins.
    P.S I will list my good bad and ugly later, I just go into a rush right now.
  2. atbnet

    atbnet Notebook Prophet

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    The McAffee add-in HP added is terrible. I liked the WHS Disk Management and Advanced Admin Console.
  3. Kurat

    Kurat Notebook Consultant

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    Your so right about the Mcaffee, can you imagine running it with the standared 512 megs, even with 2 gigs ram, I could'nt believe how much this AV wanted, one thing I found out is, if you just want to try Mcaffe then uninstall it after, you will have all kinds of problems, the only way around it was to do a server re-install, I dont know why hardware makers offer this kind of crap (but I know they get money for it), when the software just offers major problems, I know some people who are still using Mcaffe in their HP box, but the whole thing is just running at a crawl, Im not running any av on my box as I dont use torrents or anything like that, everything has to go through my computer with the Nod32 before it goes into the server.
    The HP hardware is great, the WHS operating system has now been fixed from bugs and screwups, so everything runs great, if money is that important to HP, why would they take a chance on offering a bloated unreliable and system taxing AV, and this goes on with all hardware makers.
  4. atbnet

    atbnet Notebook Prophet

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    The WHS hardware HP developed is amazing. I was really surprised how small it was when I got mine, I was expecting something taller. I upgraded mine to 2GB and I think it is a great upgrade. And now it doesn't void your warranty where it used to. I am not sure why they limited it to 512MB, kind of stupid in my opinion. Especially when they shove crappy add-ins on it.

    WHS is great too. It had some issues at first which kept me away, but with the PowerPack it is solid. I know of a few people using WHS to handle 10-20TB of data without a problem. And if they trust that much data to WHS then I think it is really solid. I plan on using WHS on my next storage project and by then they should have out a newer version. This way I don't have to buy expensive RAID cards and can put the money toward more hard drives for duplication.