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    Win XP/Win 7 Networking Help (for an elderly lady who attends my church)

    Discussion in 'Networking and Wireless' started by XPS-15, May 29, 2011.

  1. XPS-15

    XPS-15 Notebook Enthusiast

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    I am trying to help an elderly lady who attends a church I volunteer at, her name is Jackie. She is the sweetest little old lady, and she is going through an extremely tough time financially - she has a heart of gold, there aren't many people like this in the world anymore.

    I told Jackie I was good with computers and gave her my number and told her to call if she ever needed a hand with anything. She called me and asked if I could help her setup a wireless home network for her two laptops, I said sure. I did some research and found the the NetGear N300 wireless router seemed like it had very good reviews, and it was reasonably priced ($55) at Best Buy. She purchased it a few days ago.

    Now she doesn't have the finances to call Geek Squad or a computer business to have them come to her house and setup her wireless home network. I feel awful because I told her if she purchased the router, I would be able to set up the network, and I haven't been able to yet. I have made two separate trips to her house, and spent a total of 6 hours trying to figure this out. I am not getting paid for this or anything.

    Some information about the situation, and what I have done so far to help you guys, help me:

    1) There are two laptops that she would like on the network, so she can transfer files back and fourth between the two. One of the laptops is running Windows XP, the other running Windows 7.

    2) On the Windows 7 system, I went into Control Panel, Networking, and checked all of the appropriate boxes to enable file sharing. I did some research online, and I have these settings configured just like they are supposed to be - per the instructions on the Microsoft website.

    3) I made sure that both systems had the same work group name.

    4) I have been able to transfer files from the Windows 7 system onto the Windows XP system by going to "My Network Places" on the XP system, and clicking the "C" drive for the Windows 7 system, so it is working one way.

    *So basically the XP system can recognize and retrieve from the 7 system, but the 7 system doesn't even recognize the XP system*

    5) When using the Windows 7 system, it does not even recognize the Windows XP system on the network, the computer name doesn't even show up under "Network" on the right hand side when I open My Computer. I don't understand how this is possible, if I am able to transfer files one way, how can the computer not even register on the Windows 7 system?

    6) After my initial trip there, I went home and did some research and felt confident that I had enough information to complete the job. I went back today, and double checked all of the settings. Everything looked like it was in order, except for one thing:

    Some of the articles I read regarding this problem, said to enable "Simple file sharing" on the Windows XP system. I was supposed to do this by going to My Computer - Tools - Folder Options - View - and then clicking the check mark next to "enable simple file sharing." This seemed easy enough, but when I went to the above dialog box - there is no option that says "enable simple file sharing."

    I double and triple checked, and even found a picture displaying exactly where "enable simple file sharing" is supposed to be located in the dialog box - everything else looks exactly the same on the dialog box, but that option is just missing.

    I am very sorry about the length of the post, I just feel awful because this woman went out and spent $55 on a router that she really can't afford, and I told her I could set the network up for her, and I haven't been able to do so. She can't pay for a professional so she is stuck.

    Can someone with networking experience, between two different operating systems please lend a little of their time to help me figure this out?

    I am going to call her tomorrow and let her know when I will be back to give it another shot. If someone could help me here over the forum, or even possibly over the phone for a few minutes next time I am at her house, it would mean so much to me, and I know she would be extremely grateful - you have no idea. If someone who knows networking could spare 10 to 15 minutes of their time on the phone with me next time I am there, it would really help this lady out. She does so much for other people, and I would like to do the same for her.

    I will be checking this post frequently so I can answer any questions you may have promptly, and get any information you may need as well. I know my way around computers, just new to the whole networking thing, especially between two different operating systems.

    Thanks so much for any help you guys can offer, these forums are usually great!

  2. flipfire

    flipfire Moderately Boss

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  3. GKDesigns

    GKDesigns Custom User Title

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    Is the XP system up-to-date, sp3?

  4. XPS-15

    XPS-15 Notebook Enthusiast

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    Thanks very much for your quick replies guys, I appreciate it very much :)

    GKDesigns: The XP system is updated 100%.

    flipfire: How do I ping the XP machine?

    Also, what do you mean by opening up a folder share? Do you mean enabling simple file sharing? I was unable to do this like I mentioned in the original post, any idea why that option would be missing from the list?

    And after I figure out how to open a folder share, I want to map directly into this folder? Just a little confused :(

    I am going to check out that link now.

    I am very sorry that I don't know more about networking, I have been reading as much as possible about this. I am going to look into how to ping the XP system, and opening up folder sharing.

    Thanks again for all of your replies.

  5. flipfire

    flipfire Moderately Boss

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    To Ping, you will need the XP machines IP Address. Once you have this go on the Win7 command prompt and type in " Ping 192.168.1.x " or whatever the IP address is.

    To share a folder you need to select a folder you want to share, Right click > Properties > Sharing Tab. Now click on Share this folder and give it a share name. Click on Permissions and give full control for everyone.

    Once this is done try searching it again in windows 7 network. If it still doesnt show up under My Networks or whatever then i can teach you on how to map the folder directly.
  6. XPS-15

    XPS-15 Notebook Enthusiast

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    flipfire: Thanks very much, you have been a great help.

    Like I mentioned previously, this is not my system - so I don't have the computers in front of me right now. I am going back to the woman's house in the next day or two. I am just trying to be prepared, as I have already made a few trips there and been unsuccessful at setting up the network.

    Now that I understand how to ping the XP machine, I will do that as a first step in trying to figure this problem out. What am I looking for when I attempt to ping the XP machine? I thought each router was assigned an IP address, I didn't know it was specific to each computer. I figured since both laptops were running off of the same internet connection, and wireless router they had the same IP address, so I am learning little by little ;)

    I just tested the right click, properties, sharing tab, share, assign share name on my laptop, and I know exactly what your talking about so it will be easy to find on her machine.

    Is it a big problem that the "enable simple file sharing" option isn't showing up on the XP machine? On a few of the tutorials I've read, they said that was a vital step to share between both machines, is this something I shouldn't be worried about?

    And just to make sure: Both of the laptops (both the XP and 7 systems) can be connected wirelessly to one router, sharing both the internet connection, as well as file sharing - correct? There is no need for any Ethernet cords right? Just want to make sure what I am attempting to do is possible.

    flipfire: Please check your PM's.

    You have been a great help, and I really appreciate it. I can't wait to get this network figured out, this lady will be so happy.


  7. flipfire

    flipfire Moderately Boss

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    Simple file sharing basically just removes advanced security options from other version of windows. Leave this option enabled.

    It might not be showing up in Win7 because you have no shared folders. Windows 7 on the other hand have shared folders by default.

    As for IP addresses, ill try explain it the best i can:

    Locally they need to be assigned different addresses by the router but when they go out to the internet they share the same IP address your ISP gives you.

    Basically LAN (Local Area) IP address is the address your router will assign, while WAN (Wide Area) aka Internet IP is the address the modem gets from your ISP.

    To find out an IP address of the computer just go to their command prompt and type in 'ipconfig'. It will show the IP address of the machine, the subnet mask and gateway. Make sure both subnet masks and gateway are the same on both computers. IP address should be different as i said earlier.

    Once you have the IP address of the machine, just go to the other machine and type in (eg.) ping

    You will either get a ping reply or a time out error. If you get a ping reply then the connectivity is there.
  8. XPS-15

    XPS-15 Notebook Enthusiast

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    "Simple file sharing basically just removes advanced security options from other version of windows. Leave this option enabled.

    It might not be showing up in Win7 because you have no shared folders. Windows 7 on the other hand have shared folders by default."

    When you said the above, I just wanted to clarify something:

    When I tried to enable the simple file sharing option, I was trying to do so on the XP machine. The option is not showing up in the list at all, and I can't figure out why. I have done lots of searching and reading, and haven't figured out why this option isn't in the list. I know I have the correct dialog box, because I found an article with pictures, and everything else is exactly the same except for that option missing. Is this something I need to figure out, or is the option just not there on some versions of Windows XP or something?

    Thanks for the explanation of the IP address, I understand much better now :)

    I will start off by pinging the XP system, and see what the results are.

    Like I mentioned in the initial post, I was able to transfer files from the Windows 7 system, to the XP system. However, the XP system is NOT showing up on the Windows 7 system - can't even see the computer anywhere. The fact I was able to transfer a file one way makes me think the connectivity is there, it's just setting up the Windows 7 machine properly.

    That sounded confusing - I hope you understand what I am trying to say :(

    Thanks so much for your help.

  9. XPS-15

    XPS-15 Notebook Enthusiast

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    And also, how do I map the folder directly?
  10. KLF

    KLF NBR Super Modernator Super Moderator

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    Menu bar of any folder you see the Tools menu:

    tools -> map network drive

    Driveletter X:

    Select also "reconnect at logon" so it doesn't disappear at next boot.
  11. flipfire

    flipfire Moderately Boss

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    466 it XP pro or home?