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    Wierd thing with Router

    Discussion in 'Networking and Wireless' started by btam2, Mar 26, 2007.

  1. btam2

    btam2 Notebook Guru

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    My connection comes and goes and I know its not my ISP cause when I connect with the DSL modem directly, the connection works. But on router, once in a while I'm not getting any connection on any of the connected computers (2 desktops with ethernet and 1 notebook with wireless). My DSL modem shows everythings connected and router looks good too, but the computers just aren't getting anything.

    One of my desktops (desktop 1) is always connected, but the notebook and other desktop (desktop 2) connects sometimes. So when I notice I no longer get connection to my computer(s) I do the following thing:

    a) if my notebook was also connected I disconnect the connection and then turn on the wireless on the notebook again and it'll connect and then all computers will get the connection back.

    b)if my notebook is not connected to begin with or turned on, I have to turn on the notebook and wireless connection to get the connection going again.

    This just gets annoying cuz then sometimes I'm turning on the notebook for the sole purpose of getting the connection back, and then turning it back off, and then probabaly have to do it again in another hour. Any ideas please? Thanks.
  2. Gautam

    Gautam election 2008 NBR Reviewer

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    Restarting the router helps a lot. If your router doesn't have a reset button, you'll have to yank out the power and put it in again.
  3. blue68f100

    blue68f100 Notebook Virtuoso

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    Sounds like the ISP is looking for the mac address of the wireless card. Try cloning it into the router if you have not done this. Normally it looks for the PC used to setup the account. Which is normally a wired connection. Some times they reset them if you have called tech support, but very rarely.
  4. btam2

    btam2 Notebook Guru

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    I have restarted it many times. It does the same thing as if I turned on the notebook. It works and then, it'll happen again.
  5. blue68f100

    blue68f100 Notebook Virtuoso

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    What brand router do you have? If it's a belkin throw it away, I have you t find one thats any good. It's possiable it's hosed. Make sure it has the latest firmware. May try reseting the router to factory. If it's a 11n, set to 11g only and see if that helps.
  6. btam2

    btam2 Notebook Guru

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    Its a Netgear WGT624. Right now I do have it at factory settings.
  7. CharleyS

    CharleyS Notebook Enthusiast

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    I had a similar problem with lockups. I have a Linksys router and had the cable company's modem. A tech support guy @ Comcast recommended that I buy my own Linksys modem. He said that problems can occur when the modem and router are different brands. Since I have done this my problems have gone away.
  8. blue68f100

    blue68f100 Notebook Virtuoso

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    Thats not true, none of my equipment matches. And don't have any problems. Some routers have problem handling multiple connections. And combo units have problem with heat. The reason I like seperate boxes, easier to trouble shoot when you have problems. And I don not by LOW END. I buy SMB equipment which is design to be worked hard.

    I have dealt with Comcast tech support, they don't know what they are talking about, at least the ones I talked to.

    Make sure you have all the latest updates (FW). Netgear has problems with their firmware, at least mine does. My case has been turned over to US based Senior tech. What I have found is use the free phone support as long as you have it, 90 days. Then use the email systems, then if your not satisfied, there is another option to express your opions of your case. I RIPPED them a new one on that. And finally got there attention. And since I do installations I flat told them I NO longer recommend their products. They did not like that. But until they correct their firmware it will stay that way.

    I'll get off my soap box now.

    Now back to your problem. When I had Comcast I used a Linksys modem. All setting must be done using a wired connection.

    1. The first thing I do is change the default PW.

    2. Check to see if you have a WAN Connections if not make the necessary changes for your USP. Comcast requires the MAC Address of the PC used to setup the account. So you need to clone the MAC address into the router. Normally found under advanced settings. Then check the WAN (ISP) has connected. If Not select update. If it does not connect the MAC address is not correct.

    3. Then check for fw updates.

    4. Then I change the default subnet. reboots, disable lan port, then re-enable to get newly changed subnet.

    5. Now to setup wireless. I go to and copy a ALL Printable random string to a note pad, save. Will need to setup wireless clients.

    6. Now change the def SSID

    7. Set up wireless security, using WPA-PSK or tkip. Using the sting saved. Not all router support the full 63 chr length, so copy 30-40 chr, paste to notepad below initial string. Paste to the routers pass phrase. save if you get an error, look to see if there are any Quotes in the sting. Some routers will not take them, so just delete them for the string and try again. If good router setup.

    8. Now if you were using the nb wired to setup the wireless, check to see if you see your ssid. Connect when prompted paste the key. Should be good to go. If not save the notepad to a usb memory stick to take with you.

    9. Now if every thing is working, set the ssid to be hidden. Mine connect without any problems, other do not. So if you have a problem broadcast the ssid.

    10. If you are using MS zero config, check the advanced settings and change the settings so you do not AUTO connect to open system, very dangerous. Also set to only connect to AP, if you are not using adhoc.

    I hope this guide will get you up and running.

    Good luck