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    Vista being descriptive about error </sarcasm>

    Discussion in 'Networking and Wireless' started by Azteck, Dec 12, 2007.

  1. Azteck

    Azteck Newbie

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    who ever knew the awesomness that is vista and their help and support yea their errors are so descriptive and helpful you'll know exactly whats wrong and the help topics can help you fix this instantly. If you haven't got my sarcasm yet then... you're beyond help.

    The problem here is that I'm trying to share a connection (wired) with my brandspanking new xbox 360 since I realized that I don't need to buy their stupid $120 accessory for me to connect to my router wirelessly. See as how close my laptop is to my TV it thought it would be ideal using my laptop just act as a PC-to-PC, basically allowing my xbox 360 to access my internet connection using my laptop. Which works in theory... but here's the kicker the operating system is vista... go figure

    But thats not where to fun starts, here's the error message:
    An error has occurred while Internet Connection Sharing was being enabled.

    (null) -Yea thats right u saw it right the error message is null... which mean the programmers were lazy asses who didn't bother giving it an error number of anything... just "(null)"

    as you can probably tell by my frustration that I've tried practically everything for this to work. But I'm open to trying things again from scratch and maybe by some stroke of luck it'll work who knows.

    Btw my wireless was on at all times when I was trying this. And you have no idea how frustrating it is when you have a null error message I mean you don't know where to look, ex. is it your hardware, software a fluke etc.

    Btw My laptop is HP dv 9548ca
    but I don't think hardware should have any issues.. i'll be willing to post my driver details however. The wireless I'm using is G.

    And just for kicks I'll post the pic on so you can laugh at it as much as you want and even warn your friends not to get vista.

  2. Caviman2201

    Caviman2201 Notebook Geek

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    I'm pretty sure you cant do ICS on a computer connected to a router.

    Enabling ICS on your machine essentially makes your computer think its a router and handles NAT (Network Address Translation). Vista probably detects that your laptop is getting its IP address from a router and therefore won't let you translate the addresses to a different subnet...

    For instance. Lets say your router's internal address is and your laptop is getting Your pc would have to change subnets to do more NAT and give your XBOX something like Vista probably figures, if you're getting NAT from a wireless router, why would you want to have your laptop do any NAT?

    I'm afraid the only way you can do ICS is if you hook your laptop directly to your Cable Modem. Of course, then you would have to either run a cable to your XBOX, which defeats the purpose.

    The only other option that I can think of would be if you were somehow able to find a wireless bridge of some sort that would pick up a wireless network and covert it into an ethernet connection. Something like this might do the trick...

    Sorry dude, but I believe your SOL.
  3. JCMS

    JCMS Notebook Prophet

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    I would believe that "null" would be for an error that wasn't comptabilised. I really dbout they'd just say "hey, let's write null for this error!!!" Yes, devs are not God, they can't know every errors in the world.

    The Prenium and Elite versions comes with the wireless networking out of the box so I believe you bought the arcade one? Yeah that's what you get by buying the cheapest one.
  4. Azteck

    Azteck Newbie

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    no i got the premium with the 20GB harddrive I'm sure it is because it has an HDMI. I've seen people do this on youtube and i figured why not save a few hundred bucks right

    I tried putting one of those USB dongles and yea it doesn't work the only ones that do work are the M$ ones...

    here's what I mean: