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    Vista 64-bit and Wireless Local Only!

    Discussion in 'Networking and Wireless' started by juser, Mar 2, 2009.

  1. juser

    juser Notebook Enthusiast

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    I just bought a new Lenovo Y530, that came with Windows Vista Home Premium 64-bit version. I, like many others am having problems connecting to my home network via my wireless router. I have seen hundreds of posts around the net with similar problems, but different solutions, which haven't solved my problem. I haven't come across a case exactly like mine so here I am. First of all I have a D'Link WBR-1310 Wireless G Router. I have been able to connect multiple Windows XP systems, various Linux distros, and one Vista notebook (Sony Vaio Home Premium 32-bit) without any problem. This specific notebook (Lenovo Y530) has only been able to connect twice, and after hours of trying, and clicking "Fix this problem". After that, I have not been able to connect.

    I have been able to connect with a "Local Only" connection several time, but it then drops. While it drops the router's LEDs start to blink as if it were reseting; while this occurs, the wired connection on my desktop (running XP or Ubuntu) also drops. Both times I connected with the laptop, I had to click on "Acquire IP", but now it drops before I can do that (the Local Only connection is also intermittent). I know it is not hardware issues, because I booted my laptop with an Ubuntu Live disk and it connects wirelessly without problems; I also can connect to a Belkin G+MIMO using Vista without problems either. I have tried every suggestion found (updating drivers, disabling encryption, firmware updates, contacting D'Link via their website without a response... blah blah blah), and still nothing.

    Any help is appreciated, and sorry for the extremely long post!!
  2. gerryf19

    gerryf19 I am the walrus

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    if you tried everything, surely we cannot offer anything new...unless you really didn't try everything.

    That makes my head hurt. Anyway, the problem here is you said you tried, this that and blah, blah, would be nice if you told us what blah, blah, blah is so we don't go over the same old stuff you already did that you didn't mention.

    For example, you didn't mention if you tried to set your wireless adapter to wireless G only mode instead of mixed mode . There are several settings under the advanced properties of your adapter that could cause issues.

    Additionally, you didn't mention if you set your router to G only, or mixed (B and G in this case)

    You didn't mention if you tried changing the wireless channel.

    So, try those, if no good, then come back and list EVERYTHING you did so we don't waste your time (or ours) with stuff you've already tried.
  3. juser

    juser Notebook Enthusiast

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    Yes i have tried all that, when i say everything I mean everything under google searches such as: no wlan vista, local only vista, no internet vista etc. I have read all posts i can and nothing worked. You seem offended by the blah remark... I was trying to add some humor to my frustration. That is a hyperbole in other words, because as you know it is impossible to actually try everything. And i also meant to prevent from anyone suggesting stuff like "check if your router is on, off, plugged, unplugged"...whatever. I don't care if your suggestion is new or not, because not everyone explains thing the same way...maybe someone posts the same thing as other more clearly, and more specific to my hardware. I gave you my problem...if you have an idea what it is suggest... if not please don't bother...that way you prevent yourself a headache. Any help on the subject is appreciated.
    Thanks in advance
  4. gerryf19

    gerryf19 I am the walrus

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    juser--no not offended, just trying to point out that when someone posts for help it is important to provide as much info as possible.

    I know the blah, blah, blah was supposed to be funny--I appreciate that. In my own ham-handed way, the "makes my head hurt" comment was also an attempt at levity.

    But it doesn't get us anywhere nearer the solution.

    As this has already shown, I listed three possible things you could check that you didn't note in your original post so we have now wasted both of our time with those three, see?

    You may indeed get lucky and someone will throw out one thing you haven't tried, but if you actually list everything you have tried, someone may see something you haven't, or for example a solution you tried will rule out 3 other suggestions.

    Help us to help you--be thorough
  5. juser

    juser Notebook Enthusiast

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    I have tried so many things that I can't remember them all. It would be a very looooooooong (way longer that it already was) post if I were to list everything I tried. I have scrolled over dozens of forums and threads. Since my decision to post, I knew I would be getting the same suggestions... I gave my router model (WBR-1310) so that anyone could give me any "old" suggestion regarding this specific router, because not all routers are the same; a suggestion given to one router can be different to another, so maybe I applied it in a different way to mine. Also, if you think your time is wasted by trying to figure something out then just skip the thread (not in an offensive manner please).

    Anyway, I fixed the problem already, and you actually helped. Changing the channel was actually a problem, but I also had to disable UPnP. Everything works and the best thing is that you didn't waste your time! And my problem is fixed! Thank you
  6. gerryf19

    gerryf19 I am the walrus

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    well, I am glad your problem is fixed--my point wasn't to be hostile about wasting my time, but that the quickest way to a solution is not to cover old ground.

    UPnP is designed to facilitate automated opening of router ports to support peer-to-peer software or other software based on specific needs. Browsing and email which use standard ports, shouldn't even play into it.

    Makes me wonder about that as a solution, but it is a nice tidbit to add to the collection.

    Did you disable UpnP on the router or the laptop? If the router, I wonder if their is a firmware fix for that router since it sounds like something is not behaving properly.
  7. juser

    juser Notebook Enthusiast

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    Well, I found an old email replied by D'link about connection drops after updating to latest firmware a few months ago. One suggestion was to disable UPnP if it was enabled. I had changed the channel before without luck. After the posts I kept changing all available channels on my router, it connected to the Internet, but it later dropped. So there was progress since it never connected other than "Local Only", I then found the email, and disabled UPnP (router) while changing the channel and it connected flawlessly. If this can help you suggest a better fix please let me know. I really don't know much about wireless routers.
  8. gerryf19

    gerryf19 I am the walrus

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    I'd say leave well enough alone and call it a day. I'm filing disable UpnP away for future use, though. The only thing that makes sense is that UpnP is blocking incoming packets because it isn't reading them right
