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    Virtual Private Network Help Needed

    Discussion in 'Networking and Wireless' started by Outrigger, Jan 11, 2007.

  1. Outrigger

    Outrigger SupaStar Reviewer NBR Reviewer

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    Ok, here's the deal, searched the forum, very little info on vpns, so if anyone knowledgeble can help, I'd appreciate it.

    I have the Dlink 4300 gaming router. I also have a NAS (network attached storage) with 2 harddrives attached to it and the NAS is hardwired to the router. I have one desktop hardwired and one laptop wirelessly connected to the router. Basically the 2 harddrives act like network drives in that I can use the laptop to access the files on it without the desktop being turned on and vice versa.

    1. Is there a way to set up some kind of VPN so I can access the files on my network drives remotely?

    2. Being that the NAS is on 24/7, would I need to leave the desktop on in order for this to work?

    3. If I want to access files on the actual desktop, I'm assuming with a vpn set up, the desktop would have to be on for it to work correct?

    4. I called Dlink to ask about vpn on this router and was told this model supports it (not sure what that means) but still need software vpn. Does anyone know of a good free and easy to use vpn software?
  2. blue68f100

    blue68f100 Notebook Virtuoso

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    I have the FVS338 router and was a beta tester for the new v2 firmware. If you have not upgraded you should. The speed is much better and fixed tons of bugs. The wizard in the router for vpn will work with out a hitch. If you are using the VPN Client software setup is less the 5 min. For me it works everytime without a hitch.

    I have set up vpn from the fvs328 - fvs338 and 338-328, letting one do the initiation of the tunnel. Also the VPN client to FVS338. What is nice is that I have 2mbps uplink speed. Once you make a tunnel to the router you have full access to everything on your network as you were there. I use it instead of FTP, more secure and speed is good. The netgear software def to 3des (168bit) encryption.

    The FVS318 is real slow when it comes to VPN. It does not have the cpu or ram need to handle the 3des. I would only look at the FVS338. I have not used the FVS538 with if you have dual broadband, it supports fallover or load ballancing.

    I agree with what zx10guy has said. I would recommend the Netgear FVS338 but make sure you have the latest 2.0 firmware and VPN Client software.
  3. Outrigger

    Outrigger SupaStar Reviewer NBR Reviewer

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    Thanks for the informative reply, that is A LOT of info to take in and I admit I'm a networking noob.

    its a a BYOD NAS that has a network port in the back and its currently connected to the router. I have a 60gb drive thats inside the enclosure and a 600gb external drive connected to it via usb. So it shows up as 2 harddrives on the network. Hope that clears it up.

    So if I were to get the FVS338 it comes with its own vpn server/client software?

    If I set this up the way you suggested, I can leave my desktop turned off and the FVS338 would act as a vpn server correct and thus allowing me to access files on those 2 harddrives?
  4. blue68f100

    blue68f100 Notebook Virtuoso

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    My SNAP4500 (1.6T) and Snap2200 (600gig) are NAS. Each ones shows up as a seperate share. Actually when a VPN is made to the router you can actually print to a network printer. So if your external network storage is off of the router, you will have access.

    If your NAS supports FTP you could setup a ftp server. But the VPN is secure where all activity off a ftp can be captured and read. With a 3des (168bit) the only way is if they have the key. Remember performance is a function of your UP LINK SPEED. So if you only have 128 or 256kbps it will show.

    When you install the VPN Clinet software you end up with a new port. This is what you use to make the connection to your router. You can actually browse the web while connected. It is possiable to kill this feature. Companies do this to secure their networks.
  5. Outrigger

    Outrigger SupaStar Reviewer NBR Reviewer

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    My NAS is Qnap TS-101 and has a built it printer server. So basically, I popped in a 60gig SATA drive in the enclosure, connected a 600gig external drive and a printer all via usb to it so they come up as 2 network share drives and a network printer.

    Just to clarify on a couple of things:
    1. If I purchase the FVS338 router, it comes with its own vpn client software, but would I need to get a vpn server software or that would be a built-in feature of the router?

    2. Would I need to purchase anything else besides the router?

    3. What would the setup look like? Right now, the way I have it is, Cable modem hooked to the Dlink router, and both the NAS and the desktop are just hardwired into the router, how would the FVS338 fit in the diagram connection wise?

    If and when I do make the purchase, I'd be greatly appreciated if you or anyone else can walk me through the actual setup if I come across any problems, thanks!
  6. blue68f100

    blue68f100 Notebook Virtuoso

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    The ProSafe VPN Client software is included with the FVS338 model. Just make sure you get the latest Version other wise it will not work with the v2 firmware.
  7. Outrigger

    Outrigger SupaStar Reviewer NBR Reviewer

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    Blue mentioned that it does come with the vpn software, but didn't see it on the netgear site. Blue, can you confirm since you have the router that it comes with the license? All I need is just one license.


    why is it the 2 you linked both have wireless capabilities but is cheaper than the fvs338 which does not? whats the main difference hardware wise? All I see is that the FVS338 allows up to 50 vpn sessions simultaneously, if thats the case, the fvs338 is a bit of an overkill for my use.

    edit: sorry Blue, you posted while I was writing.
  8. Outrigger

    Outrigger SupaStar Reviewer NBR Reviewer

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    Thanks for the confirmation, one license is all I need since its for myself only.
    As much as I would love to have some cicso equipment, the cost/benefit cannot be justified for MY use as my purpose is just to be able to access my files on my own network when I'm in a remote area on occasions as well as a secured internet access through the vpn when I'm at an unsecured wifi hotspot. I do believe this is already a bit of an overkill for me, but if you do think the cpu power and the ram will help with the connection load, I will take both your word and get this router. It looks pretty solid and its only a tad more expensive than the wireless ones.

    I do still plan to keep my dlink 4300 as I like it very much and require wireless connection. So in order to configure the 4300 as an AP only, I assume I will need to connect a cat5 from the lan port of the 4300 to a lan port of the fvs338 and configure it correct?
  9. blue68f100

    blue68f100 Notebook Virtuoso

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    zx10guy, You can turn on the SPI fw with the v2 firmware. You will not have a performance hit. I do not use the router as a proxy server, name filtering. Most every other features I use, VPN, Multi-Lan (vlan). I like these SMB routers, are rock solid and made for heavy use. Metal case not plastic. I have had my problems with their support people the reason I ended up beta testing for them. So I can relate with your problems dealing with them.

    outriger. If you turn off dhcp, and connect like previous mentioned (lan to lan) you can still use the gigabit switch and the wireless. Connect all of your 100bastT into the netgear. Remember you only get 90 days free phone support, so use it. I started with a 4 port, now have 8 + 16 port switch.
  10. Outrigger

    Outrigger SupaStar Reviewer NBR Reviewer

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    wow, that sucks with only a 90 free support, I believe dlink is 1 yr or longer. But from what you all described, it sounds like a very solid product thats built to work 24/7. I will def. buy it if I decide to go the vpn route. Thanks for all of your help and input, I'm sure I will have more questions once I get it.
  11. blue68f100

    blue68f100 Notebook Virtuoso

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    90 days Phone Support, Unlimited email support. But if you have a problem its mainly due to not knowing how to configure the router properly. I'm still hounding them to get all of the logging fixed. But it's become a low prority now that they have released the v2 firmware. But it's just minor tweaks.