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    Very weird story

    Discussion in 'Networking and Wireless' started by ikovac, Dec 28, 2005.

  1. ikovac

    ikovac Cooler and faster... NBR Reviewer

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    I was the one of the unlucky ones with all issues that an Intel can give. Now check this:

    3 computers, all three bought from the same supplier, using "same" parts in configurator.

    "A" based on Uniwill 259EA1 barebone. i915, PM1.86GHz, i2915abg anatec (or something).
    "B" based on Uniwill 259EA1 barebone. i915, CEL 1.4GHz, i2200bg.
    "C" some other uniwill barebone, i915, PM1.86GHz, i2915abg anatec (same card like A - manufacturer, etc... Only production date was different).

    A has issues with wireless. All three have latest Intel drivers. Connected on the same access point.

    1. I took i2915abg from A and put into B. Same issues.
    2. I took i2200bg from B and put into A - no issues.
    3. I took i2915abg from C and put into A - no issues.

    Conclusion is that i2915abg in A is bad? Try again!

    4. I put i2915 from A (supposedly bad card) and put into C - no issues.

    It works now! Even on other AP. Geez. Every day something new! :D Maybe if people start exchanging cards, we would have like 10 times less networking posts on this forum. :D :D :D

    Any comments?
  2. nickspohn

    nickspohn Notebook Virtuoso NBR Reviewer

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    Ha, thats very wierd.

    Then it all comes down to the most problem causers:

    Firmware & Drivers

    Everysetup in the computer with a card is different, you need to find the right download that works with everything.
    Another way to fix that problem was you might have wanted to try a bunch of drivers and firmware to see how each work. Some drivers will kill you and wont work at all and some will be great and they work with everything. Same goes with firmware. Well im very happy you got the setup working!
  3. ikovac

    ikovac Cooler and faster... NBR Reviewer

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    Hi nickspohn,

    If you are referring to a Network card firmware, I cannot be sure (I didn't check it), maybe that was the real reason. Drivers seem to be not an issue here, because all three had exactly the same installation. I didn't do any reinstalling. Just took out one, put another, boot, checked connection. Then I was surprised. Checked some more, and more.... For hours and hours (issues would show in 1 hour top), and finally wrote the post above :D.

    And I already found an Atheros based card that was so cheap... I guess it will wait...


    P.S. I still have rock solid 54Mbit excellent connection while writing this (6 hours after the test). And all adapter settings are set to default. Just for your information, with that other card, I had to put power management to lowest in order to get at least 1 hour of noninterupted connection. The other notebook that has my old card ("C") still has the same 54 Mbit excellent connection with all settings on default. Great!