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    Very strange issue

    Discussion in 'Networking and Wireless' started by conejeitor, Jun 7, 2007.

  1. conejeitor

    conejeitor Notebook Evangelist

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    Hi Guys,
    Something very strange is happening to my home network. My Router is not that good, so I'm used that around once a day I have to reboot it to have a signal again. Yesterday that issue happened way too often, each 5 minutes. Today there is no connection. Now, this is the issue, and there are mixed symptoms so it is hard to figure:
    I can see multiple connections (including mine) but I can't connect if my settings are to "assign IP automatically". If I add an IP and my router gate and DNS, then I can connect to my router and... to all the other networks (even the ones that I don't have pass to). Still, in either case those networks or my router doesn't give me access to internet. I also cannot ping my router, so you would say that my wireless card is seeing something that is not there (I already tried reinstalling my wireless card drivers).
    It gets more strange: If I connect the network cable from my router to my PC, I can ping my router, but I don't have internet access unless I add an IP to my wireless connection (!) (the cable connection already had an IP).
    So in summary, I only have internet if: I have a cable connection PC-router and I have assigned an IP to my wireless connection (even though it is not connected to anything)

    Well, as you see, very strange problem, so if you have some time and knowledge, I'd appreciate if you can help me. Thanks.
  2. blue68f100

    blue68f100 Notebook Virtuoso

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    Sounds like your router may be failing. Try reloading the latest drives from the mfg web site. And see if that fixes it. Also download and run NetStumbler off your laptop. It's possiable one of your neighbors is using a MIMO router that is not playing well with yours. Do a scan for 10 min. This should detect all of the wireless AP around you. Then look at the Signal Strength. If the one you are trying to connect is not the strongest, you may be connecting to the wrong network or it is keeping you off line.
  3. John Ratsey

    John Ratsey Moderately inquisitive Super Moderator

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    I've just sent a US Robotics back under warranty because of wireless problems after several months of good service.

    The computers could see the router fine but could not get a connection. My diagnosis is a problem with the wireless receive electronics in the router, which meant that the router couldn't receive and respond to the signals from the computers (which all work fine with an older router which I temporarily reinstalled). Perhaps your problem is similar.

    But the first thing to try is changing the channel your router is using.
