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    Unstable Internet

    Discussion in 'Networking and Wireless' started by lunateck, Feb 4, 2008.

  1. lunateck

    lunateck Bananaed

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    Well, my apartment changed their host and the new host is kinda unstable. They tend to crash like once in a while (msn reconnecting, video streaming stopped.. etc like in 5minutes routine, or anything that I used a lot of bandwidth in a short while).. 1 of my friend said it is because of the ARP Proxy that the new host uses, another said it's just because of the instability of the network satellite connecting from 1 to the other..

    If case 1 is true, is there anyway to bypass ARP Proxy to something better? VOIP seems to work perfectly thou just that streaming stops...
  2. Alienwarez

    Alienwarez Notebook Evangelist

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    be strange for an apartment to use satellite trasmission for your inet as it is VERY expensive option when simple telephone cables will do. So i very much doubt its answer number 2.

    Unfortunately there is nothing you can do in terms of stability if it is their problem as they are your first port of call to access the internet. Try calling up and complaining about it or asking what the retention ratio is on the pipe.
  3. lunateck

    lunateck Bananaed

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    Emm.. maybe i shouldn't have called it sat. It's antenna to antenna. Talking to them seems to be the most useless thing to do since they are very slow regarding on this type of problem and we have no choice over our provider. The biggest problem of all is the ability not to be able to active ftp 1 of my web server (they only support active mode, I hope hostmonster supports passive mode), while the other with passive mode works perfectly.

    I think I am switching to GPRS plan for $7 per month if it stays instable for the next 2 months. Although slower but at least I have stable connection and able to access my web server.