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    The more i read about networking, the more confused i feel...

    Discussion in 'Networking and Wireless' started by ludo, Jun 19, 2006.

  1. ludo

    ludo Notebook Enthusiast

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    Apologies for my complete ignorance when it comes to networking. It's something i've paid pretty much no attention to before so I haven't much of a clue :eek:

    By the end of the summer there will be 3 computers in my house which i would like to use to access the internet via the same broadband connection which is currently connected to the PC with a USB cable.

    - A PC (Dell Dimension 4700) running windows XP home
    - A laptop (not bought yet) which i expect to be running some version of XP home and which will probably have a build in wireless networking card
    - Another laptop (which may present more of a problem) It's 5 or 6 years old, and running windows 98. It has a slot for a card, and 2 usb ports.

    Will the different operating system of the 3rd computer be a problem?

    What am i going to need to set up a network?
    If anybody could point me in the direction of some examples on here then i'd be grateful.

    is it likely to be significantly cheaper to use any kind of non-wireless network? Just wondered if it's worth looking into at all.

    I think that's all. Much imaginary love to anybody who can help me :p
  2. Vlad the Impaler

    Vlad the Impaler Notebook Enthusiast

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    The old laptop is a speedbump but not a problem. Here's what you need:

    - A wireless router. My personal recommendation is the Linksys WRT54GL, which does not seem to be available on the store you provided. A consumer electronics store in your area should carry it, along with other sellers online.

    - A wireless network card for the older laptop. You will want to get one which comes with a software client that supports WPA security, since Windows 98 does not support WPA by itself. Make sure the one you purchase says that it supports Windows 98, and also says that it supports WPA.

    - You may also need a PCI network card if your desktop doesn't already have one. Inspect the back of the computer for a network (RJ-45) port. Most newer desktops have one built-in, but in the event you do not, it's not very expensive to add it (about half the price of getting a wireless card for it).

    It would be slightly cheaper to go wired, but it's a lot more hassle and eliminates mobility. Since 2/3 of your machines are laptops, I think wireless is the way to go. Wireless routers have normal wired ports on them as well, so the best way to setup your network is to place the router near the desktop computer and wire that one.

    If you have further questions I would be glad to help.
  3. masteraleph

    masteraleph Notebook Consultant

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    My personal suggestion for the last few months is to get the Belkin wireless Pre-N router, mainly because it's a) really easy to set up and b) has great range. That's just me, though.
  4. blue68f100

    blue68f100 Notebook Virtuoso

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    I would not ever consider any thing BELKIN or Pre 11n products. Belkin has a high failure rate, alnong with random and frequent lockups. There is a major problem with the 11n playing with 11b/g products and with other mfgs. It has been close to 2 yrs since the 11g spec was finalized. There is still problems with mfg not playing well with others. The chip sets keep changing and they still can't get it right. It will only get worst with 11n.

    I would buy the Linksys mentioned above, Netgear, dlink, USR ... BUT NOT BELKIN. So far everyone of my friends and neighbors that bought one ended up returning it after the 1st week.

    It would be better if the Win98 machine was connected using a PCMCI nic card, these can be had pretty cheap, some even are combo cards with modems.

    TomsNetworking has a router table listing all of the models they have tested. I use a bussiness class VPN router with a seperate AP. I like the versility of being able to locate the AP for best coverage, with out having to move all of the networking equipment.

    Wireless networking can be a daunting task, it's not difficult with the proper equipment.
  5. mk1992

    mk1992 Notebook Enthusiast

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    I once set up a dlink pcmcia card on a win98 machine, no problem at all. Even used the driver that came in the package with the card. And also used the configuration utility that came with it. Only problem was that driver only supported WEP and so I used that. Probably there was a newer driver available with the WPA, but I didn't bother.
  6. Padmé

    Padmé NBR Super Pink Princess

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    I have used a Belkin router for 3 years with no problems whatsoever. ;)
  7. ludo

    ludo Notebook Enthusiast

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    thankyou everybody whose helped so far :)
    the usb adapter things seem cheaper than the card, could i use one in the old laptop?
    The range isnt too much of a problem, my laptop will be about 3m directly above the pc, and the other laptops about the same distance away.

    if i give up on connecting the old laptop, how easy/cheap would it be to just connect the new laptop via a cable to share the pc's internet connection? I was just considering this as an option, since my mum's not desperate to network her laptop, and i'll only be home for a few months a year...