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    Stupidly simple question(using both NIC cards in my laptop)

    Discussion in 'Networking and Wireless' started by Cam_86, Apr 14, 2007.

  1. Cam_86

    Cam_86 Notebook Evangelist

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    My laptop, like all new ones, has 2 NIC cards. One wired ethernet card, and a wireless one. A few months ago i decided to mod my Xbox. Thing is, to add new media to is, i need to FTP into the box. Since its in the same room as my laptop, and i dont need to give it internet access(the router in my house is on the main floor, i'm on the third) i figured it would be cheaper/smarter to just run a cross-over cable from the laptop to the Xbox. Heres where i run into a problem though.

    If i have both my ethernet card enabled(through network devices) AND my wireless card enabled, and my ethernet card is in a live connection, my wifi stops working(as i guess the computer defaults to the best connection for internet, even if there is no internet access in the connection) Could someone explain to me how to switch it, so i dont constantly have to disable/enable my ethernet card when i do FTP transfers?

  2. WackyT

    WackyT Notebook Deity

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    1) Change your home network to something other than /
    2) Turn on ICS on your laptop's wireless to feed out your laptop's ethernet port.
    3) Connect your wireless to your home network, then the ethernet port to your XBox.
    4) Now your laptop will work as an internet gateway, DHCP, and DNS server for your XBox.