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    strange problem

    Discussion in 'Networking and Wireless' started by korean_boi, Oct 7, 2007.

  1. korean_boi

    korean_boi Notebook Consultant

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    so, i bought my new laptop yesterday

    i used the wireless function on it and it seemed to work fine. btu the next morning, i switched on the wireless function and none of the connections available showed up on the list? what gives? I used to have about 7 connections from my neighbors, but now i am reduced to my own wireless connection at home.

    did my neighbors hide their ssid's?
    did they shut down their router?

    and on another note, how would i connect to my own router. the signal strength displays it as an "excellent" signal strength, but i cannot connect to it.

    i know it has somethign to do with me configuring it a certain way.

    how would i go and do that?


    oh and this is my first post! i'll be on here alot more often since i'm a notebook owner.
  2. Lithus

    Lithus NBR Janitor

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    Since stealing your neighbor's wireless is not only unethical, but illegal, it's probably good that you can't do it anymore.

    You connect to your router by reading the instruction manual that came with it.
  3. korean_boi

    korean_boi Notebook Consultant

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    that's why i came here learning how to configure my router to connect with my own home connection

    i don't need a lesson on morals. i'd much rather settle for helpful posts that get me somewhere, opposed to your post which i found no merit in whatsoever, aside from telling me it's illegal to leech off a neighbor's connection...

    not to bash anyone, but i would very much appreciate some help instead of do's and don'ts. which is the reason i came here seeking help. i would like to stop relying on neighbors of internet connections, but in order to do so, i'd like to know how to connect to my own router
  4. Schluep

    Schluep Notebook Consultant

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    Quite honestly that is a very harsh post on a forum where people volunteer their own time without compensation to assist you with a problem you are having. That post certainly had merit. You wouldn't want people leaching off of your internet connection with you being charged for it, and it certainly isn't right to do it to someone else. You don't need your router to be working to stop stealing from your neighbors, you need to make an ethical decision.

    A lot of people won't provide help to people that aren't willing to at least do some research or post the details neccessary to solve the problem. There are probably a lot of others that aren't answering because of how you are acting and now how you are attacking someone else on these boards.

    As for these details mention in my previous paragraph, you never stated what type of router you are using or what type of internet connection you are using. You also didn't elaborate at all on what happens when you try to connect other than stating that you "cannot connect to it." To be quite honest I saw your post before Lithus responded and ignored it, and then saw it again after Lithus responded and ignored it a second time. There is not much we can even do to point you in the right direction without more information other than post some general things that may not be at all related to whatever problem you are experiencing.

    Hopefully you will consider this post as "helpful" and instead of "do's and don'ts" as you stated. Hopefully you will consider posting some more of the neccessary information to recieve the help you are requesting and do so with a better attitude so people are willing to take the time to respond and help you out.
  5. Wujohn

    Wujohn Notebook Consultant

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    Have you looked at the sticky? It is very helpful and easy to understand.

    Your router should come with some instructions, which should be very easy to follow...seriously...I'm not trying to play with you here. It's like a 6 step process that will take you all of 5 minutes to get it up and running. If you go through that process and still have problems, post specifics and someone here may be able to help you.
  6. korean_boi

    korean_boi Notebook Consultant

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    well, i apologize for my "harsh" post, i may have ommitted some essential details to find a solution to my problem, but telling me what i'm doing is illegal won't help me solve it.

    that's why i got a bit defensive and retaliated somewhat to his post.

    and i would love it if someone would point me in the right direction. and yes, i did take a look at the stickies before i posted anything. i could not find a troubleshooter that relates to my problem.

    i have a westell versalink 327w, and i'm currently running off a verizon dsl isp.

    to elaborate on my problem, the connection appears on my available wireless netowrks list but i am not able to connect with it. i run off a vista home premium os right now. when i click the "diagnose the problem" option it simply says "wireless association failed because windows did not receive any response from the wireless router or access point"

    thanks in advance. and i would also like to apologize on behalf of my inappropriate behavior as a newcomer. i'll be more specific with my problems and ask in a nicer tone :)
  7. Reezin14

    Reezin14 Crimson Mantle Commander

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  8. korean_boi

    korean_boi Notebook Consultant

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    thanks, but i figured it on my own.

    thanks to all that helped

    My problem was that my router was outdated and required a firmware update.

    for those of you who are running off vista, xp and vista's timing are off by quite a bit.

    so if you have a versalink 327w

    go here to fix your problem if your computer says that your wireless access point doesn't respond. it would probably mean it's time for an update or a new router. but a lot of old routers are still compatible with vista, but it just needs a firmware update

    so thanks. and gluck to u all. i'll be lurking around making a few posts here and there. :]
  9. Schluep

    Schluep Notebook Consultant

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    Thanks for posting back with your solution so others can benefit from it. The firmware upgrade on the router seems to solve a large majority of Vista related networking issues here when connecting to an existing router. I should have though to suggest it when I made my other post.