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    Sharing Folder on XP and Vista Notebook Problem

    Discussion in 'Networking and Wireless' started by JBlue, Aug 21, 2008.

  1. JBlue

    JBlue Notebook Consultant

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    Hi. I need help with setting a "Shared" Folder and Sharing a Printer.

    I have the following set up:

    Laptop 1 - XP SP3
    Printer Connected to Laptop1

    Laptop 2 - Vista SP1

    Both of the Laptop 1 & 2 access the internet via a wireless router.

    Laptop 2 (Vista) have shared a folder setup which I CAN ACCESS (\\Laptop2\Shared) from Laptop 1 (XP)

    1) Here is my first problem. From Laptop 2 (Vista) I am unable to find Laptop 1's shared folder. Now in Laptop 1 (XP) Under My network places I am able to see it's own (\\Laptop1\Shared) folder along with (\\Laptop2\Shared)

    According to the settings. All I need to go C:\Documents and Settings>All Users>Shared Documents GO TO Properties>SHARING TAB. Now Local Sharing and Security options are grayed out. Network Sharing and Security section I see 2 boxes (Share this Folder on Network & Allow Network users to Change File). Both of these boxes are checked.

    <Side Note> I am also unable to change the Share name: from the default "SharedDocks"

    What am I doing wrong? Why am I not able to access/see Laptop 1's shared folder.

    2) Since my printer is connected to Laptop 1. How can I share the printer so Laptop 2 can use the printer?

    Thanks I have checked:

    1. Both Machine is on the same WORKGROUP

    2.1 Network Discovery is ON
    2.2 type is private and not public
    2.3 turn ON file sharing
    2.4 turn password protection OFF.

    Also I have notice on my laptop 2 (Vista) I am unable to see it's own \\Laptop2\Public folder when I manually type address in Explorer. I have no problem seeing this in when I on Laptop1 (XP)

    So it appears there is somehting wrong with Laptop2, I am not sure what. It driving me nuts.
  2. makaveli72

    makaveli72 Eat.My.Shorts

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    When u do a Start--> Run and type "\\Laptop1" without quotations from Laptop2 the .Vista machine what happens?

    Edit: Try this on the XP machine. You may or may not have done this already but just for clarification sake, let's confirm these steps. CLICK HERE

    And BTW, it's not Laptop2 that has the issue, it's Laptop1, the XP machine. Something is preventing Laptop2 from connecting to Laptop1. Which brings me to the question, what Antivirus/Firewall program is running on the XP machine..other than the built-in Windows Firewall.
  3. JBlue

    JBlue Notebook Consultant

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    I have done everything on the link. There are suggestions I need to DL and apple a patch LLTD on my XP computer. However I am on SP3 and apparently that is incorporated in SP3. It actually does not allow me to install.

    When I type \\Laptop2\public (on vista computer which is Laptop2 anyway) in RUN.. I get "windows can not access \\laptop2\public. Check the spelling of the name. Otherwise there might be a problem with your network..." so basically it does not see it's OWN public folder. NOW I don't have a problem seeing BOTH Laptop1 & 2's Public folder from Laptop1!! WHICH IS ODD!!!
  4. makaveli72

    makaveli72 Eat.My.Shorts

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    As for the sharing of the printer...that should be a piece of cake to set up on the .Vista machine as soon as the .Vista comp. can access the XP machine.

    So what other antivirus/firewall program are u running on the XP machine?...Did u enable the file and printer sharing option in its settings. The option to do this in ur firewall program might be in a statement such as...'Trust other computers on the network'..etc.[Meaning it might not come across as obvious to you, but that will allow file and printer sharing]
  5. JBlue

    JBlue Notebook Consultant

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    I have Turned the firewall off AND granted my Laptop1 (XP) access rights by entering it's IP address. Both does not work. It is odd that Laptop 1(XP) has no problems.

    Printer sharing is straight forward when I get this working.!!@!

    I think the problem is the fact Laptop2 (Vista) has problems seeing it's own shared folder. I should not be getting "windows can not access \\laptop2\public. Check the spelling of the name. Otherwise there might be a problem with your network...".. if there was a problem. Laptop1 XP would not be able to see/access it.

    The funny thing is. I am unable to change the workgroup name. It is greyed out. I am using Vista Home Premium.
  6. Shyster1

    Shyster1 Notebook Nobel Laureate

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    Just a little question: since Laptop2 can get to its own shared folder directly, instead of having to go through the share, why are you trying to get to it through the share? In that instance, the problem may be that _Vista is actually running everything through the networking ports, and "discovers" that it hasn't given itself network-level access to that shared folder (perhaps because, by going through the network share, it is essentially trying to access its own shared folder as "guest" instead of as the user account that's logged on).
  7. JBlue

    JBlue Notebook Consultant

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    Laptop2 can NOT see it's own share. That is the problem. Laptop1 can see it's own share and see Laptop2's share.

    Laptop1 (XP), Laptop2(Vista)

    I should also add. The option to change workgroup name is grayed out on Laptop 2.
  8. Shyster1

    Shyster1 Notebook Nobel Laureate

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    When you say it cannot "see" its own share, do you mean through the network connections control panel, or directly through Windows_Explorer?