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    Share a dial-up connection?

    Discussion in 'Networking and Wireless' started by Starcub, Dec 30, 2006.

  1. Starcub

    Starcub Notebook Consultant

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    It was easy for me to do in Win98SE, but I've been having a heck of a time trying to share my Bluelight Internet connection between 2 laptops on a home network using Win XP Home SP2 on both laptops.

    Ideally I would like to connect both laptops wirelessly using my Netgear wireless router and share my dial-up conection between them without having to turn off the firewall. However, I have not been able to get both machines to ping each other without disabling the firewall on both machines. I've tried connecting wirelessly and wired through the router, wireless adhoc, and wired direct w/o the router. While I have been able to get the machines to see each others' shared files, I still cannot get the dial-up connection sharing working.

    Has anyone been able to share a dial-up connection between PC's on a home network using Win XP Home, SP2? If I have to buy 3rd party firewall software, that's fine, but I don't want to have to disable the firewall on the laptop that connects to the internet.
  2. Starcub

    Starcub Notebook Consultant

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    Well that's an interesting piece of hardware, but somehow I'm not relishing the idea of spending $150 to replace the same functionality in the hardware I already have (with appearently unreliable hardware according to the site commentary) to share a dial-up internet connection. I should be able to check a few boxes, type in a few IP's and use Windows software to get connected and ICSing. I really don't *need* to share the internet connection anyways, and I don't care about security on my home network, I just figured there must be someone out there that has done this before who could help...
  3. blue68f100

    blue68f100 Notebook Virtuoso

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    For ICS you need to set the port that connect to the other pc as a bridge. That will tie the two pc together. As for firewall, You will need to add a firewall rule to allow the subnet you are on. Firewall rule Allowing (substitute yours) , Allow all (tcp, udp) on both pc's.

    so your setup should look like this.

    pc1 to router lan1
    pc2 to router lan2
    pc1 or pc2 modem connection (will select pc1 for this exercise)
    with pc1 set nic port for bridge.

    I have used routers with dialup features, they work good. You can pick up a cheap SMC 7004ABR for around $5. The expense is for a good external modem. So stick with your ICS if it work for you.
  4. blue68f100

    blue68f100 Notebook Virtuoso

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    It would be a lot easier to use a long phone cord.