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    SFR/Vodafone France Wireless Problems - HORROR THREAD! Terrible Experience!

    Discussion in 'Networking and Wireless' started by Serg, Sep 26, 2009.

  1. Serg

    Serg Nowhere - Everywhere

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    I live in France. I have a contract with SFR/Vodafone here in France as my internet provider.

    I want to know if some has encountered the same problems as I have with this company, supposedly respectable.

    1. Requirements of fixed ground line for contract
    2. If no line, have to wait 1-2 weeks to make it work
    3. After contract being signed, given a 1 week time frame for the router to arrive
    4. NeufBox (router) arrived one week later than the time limit.
    5. Once connected did not work until proprietary software was launched
    6. Software incompatibilities with wireless adapter (I had a Dell utility taking care of that, now it works no more)
    7. Requirements of username and password to get online
    8. No username nor client reference number (CRN)
    9. Contract with little to no information (no contract number, no reference client number, no info other than my personal one)
    10. Nowhere to find the CRN to create the account and get online.
    11. Problems with a Blackberry using the same WiFi as the laptop
    12. Customer service being a disaster (they let you on hold, in the offices they help you while helping others, and you get no help in the end, non-functional people attending)

    Please, I want to know if any of you has experience, and can help me!!

    It has been hell-ish to me this experience so far. I cannot get online on my BB yet. I have a brand new 8520 Curve using WiFi, and it recognizes the WiFi, but I cant navigate without being sent to the SFR main page and requested a username and password (which I dont have, nor was I given).

    Please, what can I do? I just got all the things today, and nothing works! I get online, and it crashes every 15-20 minutes!
  2. elijahRW

    elijahRW Notebook Deity

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    Do you have any other ISP options? Seeing all the problems with Vodafone, I doubt they will ever get it right.

    So my answer is for you to get a new ISP.
  3. Serg

    Serg Nowhere - Everywhere

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    The best is that my router resets itself every 5 minutes!!
    No router means no phone, no TV, no internet. LOL!

    I am getting a technician here on Friday to check what is going on, and why my BB cannot connect to my WiFi. If after that, it is still not working, I decided to leave my contract and change to someone else.

    It is a shame, but service is a mess, and it is very unstable!
  4. sean473

    sean473 Notebook Prophet

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    Had the same problems with sky here in Uk when my internet was set up... took almost a month... and then in india Vodaphone casued a hell of a lot of problems for mobile broadband.... looks like it gives crap service in all other countries and except for in UK where service is excellent from what i heard...
  5. Serg

    Serg Nowhere - Everywhere

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    WOW! I am not alone! It has been a mess since I got it a week ago.
    And service lacks a lot!