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    Questions on how network work:

    Discussion in 'Networking and Wireless' started by DetlevCM, Nov 6, 2009.

  1. DetlevCM

    DetlevCM Notebook Nobel Laureate

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    OK, so the universities Wi-Fi setup reading the maths server is slightly odd...

    So let me start with stating first what works:
    I can be at home and access the maths server in any way I wish - Web browser ( or via FTP to access my dedicated folder for my maths website.

    If I am on the university computers - connected via LAN I can open the maths website, access my dedicted foler via FTP - same as from home.

    If I am on the universities Wi-Fi - which is encrypted and requires my username and password to work I cannot access the maths website vie a browser.
    I can however upload/access my dedicated folder for the maths site via FTP.

    Obviously, using TeamViewever to use my home computer works... proxies work too - but that's not what I am wondering.

    My question is, why is regular browser access from within the university limited?
    The IT guys just say "security" and don't give an other reason, my maths lecturer doesn't know why either...

    Now, one more detail. This is in city campus - if I leave city campus and walk maybe 200-300m down the road to a new building called "Furnival" I can sudenly access the maths site via Wi-Fi?

    Could someone explain to me why allowing users to access a website via Wi-Fi from within the university would be a security risk?
    (seeing as it works on uni computers and from the outside)

    I may say too that I do not get access to my "Homespace" as they call it - 60MB of server space that every student get's by default...

    Wi-Fi only allows internet access.

    I know that the Webcam in ICQ and MSN doesn't work - but I assume that's a dedicated port blocked for security.

    So if anybody can shed some light on the website question I'd be happy to learn what's going on. :)

    Thank you :)
  2. davepermen

    davepermen Notebook Nobel Laureate

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    it could be that their router doesn't support loopback (the router to the internet from your school), so that it couldn't access it. but no, then ftp wouldn't work as well i guess..

    so in essence, i have no clue. but i bet it's just some misconfig.
  3. DetlevCM

    DetlevCM Notebook Nobel Laureate

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    That's the thing, I cannot logically undestand it.

    And I know from Jeff that he sai they contact the "IT guys" and all they dois to say "its a security issue" and that's it :(

    What I also find strange is that they didn't specify it... its just annyoing...
  4. newsposter

    newsposter Notebook Virtuoso

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    many places have their wifi setup as a supplemental convenience for internet only use. It is a very common practice. In particular, if a wifi is contracted out to a third party provider, there will be no direct interconnect between the wifi and the wired lans.

    No one here will be able to explain the rationale that your campus IT people have used in the setup.
  5. DetlevCM

    DetlevCM Notebook Nobel Laureate

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    Ok, so you think that the Wi-Fi is just se up to allow internet access?
    But why does FTP work then...??
    If it were just internet access I would undestand the logic.

    And the notion that the webcam in ICQ and MSN doesn't work supports that.

    On another note... the "Shuspace Site" works... but that may not be in the main city campus.