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    Query about network

    Discussion in 'Networking and Wireless' started by JennythaNewbie_1489, May 1, 2010.

  1. JennythaNewbie_1489

    JennythaNewbie_1489 Newbie

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    If I was using my friend's router, could she see what I'm typed in the past? or somehow look into my hard drive? I just want to feel safe since I can't fully trust this person.

    Also, does this apply to using the internet at school/Starbucks too?
  2. blue68f100

    blue68f100 Notebook Virtuoso

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    If you have sharing turned on they can see your PC and Files you have shared. If someone has access to the router/switch and setup a mirror they can see your in and out packets. This is very rare unless it set to steal personal info from unexpecting users.

    Always run a personal FW, this will prevent any unauthorized access. There are many good free ones.
  3. JennythaNewbie_1489

    JennythaNewbie_1489 Newbie

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    I have Norton Internet Security 2010, so I suppose I'm protected. What did you mean by "in and out packets"? take into account that I'm a beginner, so please explain in layman's terms.

    Other than taking a part of my friend's bandwidth, can she access my personal info.?
  4. blue68f100

    blue68f100 Notebook Virtuoso

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    Packets are what you send and receive on networks. Routers use the MAC address of pc to identify the different hardware connected. So if someone is going to all the trouble to capture these packets they can see what a user is doing. If a ssl connection the data will be scrambled/not clear. This is very very rare for home users to be doing this, but some public areas can be a different story. You just need to confirm and control what/who your connecting to in public. If you do not know what there SSID is, ask the owner for it. I have seen some patrons have ICS setup and try to trick patrons to connect to them (open), so all traffic is going through there pc. They just setup the man in the middle attack. Never do any banking on public networks as added security. Normally the SSL is good enough to prevent intercept but why take the chance. If your ever connected in public and are ask to re-athenacate someone maybe trying to get in the middle. Time to close up and move on.

    The use of personal Firewall help keep you safe against hackers. Just remember nothing is 100%.

    Connecting to friends network is not a risk if you trust them. Just remember if you have file share turned on those will be exposed. Personal FW help keeps the exposure to a min.

    Keep File Sharing turned off when in public for added security.

    I will not or ever use Norton ever again. They have screwed up so many computers it's not even funny. They have never admitted to distributing bad virus def, even when they know there is a problem. NEVER let the Service Expire, if so it will cripple your computer. In most cases you have to do a clean install to get the pc working correctly. This is my experience with Norton so use at your own risk, your mileage may differ.