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    Problem with router built-in NAS

    Discussion in 'Networking and Wireless' started by ATG, Jun 19, 2010.

  1. ATG

    ATG 2x4 Super Moderator

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    I have troubles with the NAS function of my TL-WR1043ND router. Before even think about it, yes, I know it's far from the best but I couldn't afford a better one. Anyway, I'm trying to attach a hard drive to the router but the software never detect it. I'm trying with two drives and one USB stick:
    1. Maxtor 500GB(10% free space), NTFS, externally powered - when I connect it I can hear drive activity(reading I suppose) and the USB Led indicator of the router flashes then stays on. The software of the router however can't detect it.
    2. WD Passport 500GB(10% free space), NTFS single USB cable for power and data - when connected the drive seem to remain unpowered and naturally the router doesn't detect it. Even the USB Led isn't illuminated in this case. You might think that the USB of the router can't power the drive however according to TP-Link support the port is powered with 500mA - same as a normal USB port of a PC right?
    3. Tried with a 2GB USB stick - it works fine which rules out port malfunctioning.
    I'm currently running the latest firmware version available on TP-Link official site. AFAIK the router is DD-WRT think a custom firmware may solve the problem? I have no experience with custom firmwares..

    Any help is appreciated.

    downloads No, Dee Dee, no! Super Moderator

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    First of all I don't know why do you think it's not a good router- it has good hardware and decent firmware plus it's supported by OpenWRT and DD-WRT.

    As for your problems- does the Maxtor have a system partition on it- if so the drive may not be detected.

    Second case is even stranger- I've seen posts confirming that WD Passport 500GB works fine with this one. Yeah I know I haven't helped by saying that it should work ;)

    I don't think you would wanna try 3rd party firmware- DD-WRT wouldn't support NAS function at all if I'm not mistaken whereas OpenWRT does but you would have to manually install new USB drives (and I don't mean clicking a button) plus OpenWRT has terrible NAS transfer speeds (like 700KB/s or so).

    Did you make sure that the Network Sharing service had properly started (on the router I mean) and that you've used "Rescan" button after you had connecting the HDD?

    Last thing to do is make a factory reset (that should be done after each firmware update) and set up things once again. Last firmware made some changes to the NAS function so it may be a good idea to do this (although I kinda doubt it's gonna help)
  3. ATG

    ATG 2x4 Super Moderator

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    Thanks for your help.
    I was just trying to avoid replies like "Aww man, this router sucks, you should've bought xxxxx". Besides, this is my first home router so I basically have no idea how good is it :D
    Nope, neither the WD one. Just one normal partition.
    I tried again several times and the hard drive is actually powered. However it seems that the router start "scanning" but stops for some reason in just a few seconds of reading. I assume the same thing is happening with the Maxtor. Is it possible that Windows has done something with the drives? Yeah, it sounds crazy but I don't know..
    I can't start the service if the drive is not detected. Yeah used that "Rescan" button every time I tried to connect a drive.
    Done it. Unfortunately no change. Maybe I should try downgrading..?

    Oh I haven't mentioned that I reached TP-Link support over e-mail. We exchanged several e-mails and they asked me about the power and the file system of the drives. Their "conclusion" is that my drives are..."incompatible"??? How the hell can the drives be incompatible? And even if they are, which isn't possible IMO, TP-Link never stated that this router is incompatible with some drives.