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    PowerLine Network Connection. (another solution for our home/small office network)

    Discussion in 'Networking and Wireless' started by slumbermann, May 29, 2007.

  1. slumbermann

    slumbermann Notebook Evangelist

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    So I used to have normal wireless connection in my house, but one time, i have a problem to access wireless connection at my basement because of the way the house was build. The layer of the ground floor is too reflective that the wireless wave cannot go thru anymore...

    So i change to Powerline Network, which use my electric cable to make the connection, all you need is two devices which one connect to your modem, and another one to your PC...

    This devices can be use for network router/switch too... I use the Netgear XE103 for the one near my modem, and XE104 for the one at my PC... I use XE104 at my PC cause it has 4 output, meaning its become my switch/router for my current network, i receive 90% of my line connection using this Powerline Network which i think really good for those who have problem with the wireless connection.

    I've been using this devices for almost 2 months already and really satisfied with the performance... as long as you have the power supply plug... then this you can connect anywhere in you house...

    So maybe someone will ask about the security... they have the Key too for your network, you can set password for your network using the software given together with this devices. The devices lil bit expensive for someone i guess... but the performance really good... :) now i can access internet with no problem from my basement...

    and our Powerline Meter where we use to check how much ingoing or outgoing of our electric supply will also give the limit to the network.... it can't go thru these meter... meaning other house that nearby cannot access your network cause of this meter too... so your network will be save...

    :) just another solution for our network... the network speed is till 85Mpbs...

    see here for the full specification of XE103
    see here for the full specification of XE104
  2. lku

    lku Notebook Consultant

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    I noticed that the packaging only contains 1 unit. Does this mean you need to buy 2 units to make it work?
  3. blue68f100

    blue68f100 Notebook Virtuoso

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    To answer question YES. Requires one on each end or a Powerline Router like the 2Wire's on one end. But you must match mfg for it to work.
  4. slumbermann

    slumbermann Notebook Evangelist

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    Sorry, I almost forgot i posted this entry. For the model I wrote here, the come single in one packaging, but there are other model which come in pair which is cheaper actually. but as i need to use in my 3 storeys house, so i bought this model cause of the 4 port available.

    The Powerline adaptor work with 2 devices, one near the modem which act as the main router for internet or local network. then we can connect other devices everywhere in our house. For my house, now i have 3 devices, which are 1 the XE103 and 2 XE104. I use it in my basement and second storey. So i have big network which is really stable till now.

    No more problem like when i was using the wireless. I hope that will help you... :)